Enzoic Unveils Forensic Insights into Active Directory Environment

#InfoSec--Enzoic, a leading provider of threat intelligence solutions, today released the latest version of Enzoic for Active Directory. The solution provides a frictionless way to continuously monito...

Autore: Business Wire

Enhancements to automated password vulnerability monitoring and remediation solution help teams mitigate security risks

BOULDER, Colo.: #InfoSec--Enzoic, a leading provider of threat intelligence solutions, today released the latest version of Enzoic for Active Directory. The solution provides a frictionless way to continuously monitor, identify and remediate unsafe credentials by screening username and password combinations in Active Directory against Enzoic’s dynamic database. This helps organizations eliminate weak, exposed, or shared passwords, reducing the risk of a successful account takeover.

The Verizon DBIR identified that compromised credentials remain a leading way for cybercriminals to access an organization, and Active Directory is a popular target, with 50% of organizations experiencing an attack. This, coupled with the evergreen password reuse problem, makes it vital that businesses continuously monitor and identify every potential risk. The latest release of Enzoic for Active Directory provides companies with granular insights, helping ensure their IT environment is free of exposed or vulnerable passwords before they become an entry point. The solution automates the monitoring and detection, reducing the burden on the IT team and creating zero friction for employees.

“As the threat landscape continues to expand, the perennial weak link is passwords," said Mike Wilson, founder and CTO of Enzoic. "We developed our comprehensive solution in conjunction with feedback from our customers, and it provides IT teams with a way to quickly and easily identify credential vulnerabilities and take action to protect their Active Directory environment, helping reduce their risk."

Key features in the latest release of Enzoic for Active Directory:

For more on Enzoic for Active Directory, please click here.

About Enzoic
Enzoic is an enterprise-focused cybersecurity company committed to preventing account takeover, identity theft and fraud through threat intelligence monitoring. Organizations rely on Enzoic's solutions to identify compromised credentials, exposed PII, and vulnerable payment card data and act swiftly to mitigate the risk. Enzoic is a profitable, privately held company in Colorado. Learn more about Enzoic here and connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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