Kargo Introduces the Kargo Lift: Bringing AI Capabilities to Forklifts to Enhance Automation and Visibility

#AI--Kargo, a leader in industrial artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, today announced the Kargo Lift, a new addition to the Kargo product portfolio. Purpose-built for forklifts and automated guid...

Autore: Business Wire

The new Kargo Lift extends Kargo’s AI capabilities to forklifts, automating shipping and receiving processes and taking visibility beyond the loading dock.

SAN FRANCISCO: #AI--Kargo, a leader in industrial artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, today announced the Kargo Lift, a new addition to the Kargo product portfolio. Purpose-built for forklifts and automated guided vehicles (AGV), the Kargo Lift extends the AI capabilities of the Kargo Towers, automating critical processes and enhancing visibility for warehouses, manufacturing facilities and distribution centers.

As companies face growing customer demands and economic pressures, warehouse operations are embracing AI–with 50% expected to leverage AI-enabled vision systems by 2027, according to Gartner, Inc. The Kargo Lift was designed to address these challenges by using computer vision, a type of AI, to unlock unique benefits:

The Kargo Lift can be mounted on any forklift or AGV in under two hours, seamlessly integrating into operations without requiring changes to existing processes or driving styles.

“Our goal at Kargo has always been to push the boundaries of what’s possible in industrial automation,” said Sam Lurye, Founder and CEO of Kargo. “Like with all Kargo products, we have meticulously designed the Kargo Lift to be easy to install, drive immediate value and seamlessly handle all the complexity of an industrial environment.”

The Kargo Lift is available now.

To learn more or schedule a demo, visit www.mykargo.com/lift.

About Kargo

Kargo is a leading provider of artificial intelligence solutions for industrial facilities, driving more efficient operations and enhancing supply chain management. Kargo’s integrated hardware and software system automates critical processes while offering unmatched visibility into operations through visual proof and real-time data. Kargo was founded in 2019 and is headquartered in San Francisco. To learn more, visit: www.mykargo.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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