Bluwhale Bringing Nodes To the Masses Through Simplicity and Strategic Alliance

Bluwhale, an AI Web3 start-up that connects enterprises to consenting wallet holders so consumers can monetize their digital profile, today announced the launch of its revolutionary mobile web app for...

Autore: Business Wire

Bluwhale unveils first mobile nodes to decentralize AI while forming a Node Alliance where node projects bundle rewards and resources, starting with Saltwater Games and Revolving Games

SAN FRANCISCO: Bluwhale, an AI Web3 start-up that connects enterprises to consenting wallet holders so consumers can monetize their digital profile, today announced the launch of its revolutionary mobile web app for a vastly simplified process of contributing/verifying data and even operating nodes. The app is already available, but the node function will be launched during its upcoming node sale and alliance.

Unlike the typical multi-part, highly complex, and technical node setup and operation processes that use a software package or a console, the Bluwhale app turns your mobile phone into a remote control for managing nodes to earn passive income and gives retail users access to the recent wave of node sales as well as receive all the benefits of node sale participation.

“In the coming 3 to 6 months, there will be hundreds of Web3 projects launching node sales, but while nodes are supposed to decentralize a network, most of the sales end up centralized by having only a small handful of people purchase and operate them,” said Han Jin, co-founder and CEO, Bluwhale. “We didn’t just simplify the user experience for anyone to participate, but also made it available to our partners as we use AI to provide insights into node holdings.”

Bluwhale’s mission is to empower individuals to monetize their digital identity, and adding nodes for verifying data contribution into the AI network was a top priority. It also aims to extend its reach by launching the Node Alliance to give partners the same capabilities, and their communities the same benefits.

Similar to airline alliances so common today, the Node Alliance communities may take advantage of a 10% discount and exclusive early access to offerings by holding any nodes from projects in the alliance. Node buyers may use Bluwhale’s mobile app for running the Node Alliance partner nodes after purchase.

Bluwhale’s node sale whitelist is now open to all account holders and invitees.

About Bluwhale

Bluwhale is a Web3 personalization protocol that empowers dApps with AI-driven insights, profiling, and targeted engagement by contextualizing on-chain and off-chain user data. Visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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