Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) Splitters for Optical Fibers Market Forecast & Analysis to 2033 -

The "Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) Splitters for Optical Fibers: Global Market Forecast & Analysis 2023-2033" report has been added to's offering. This market forecast incl...

Autore: Business Wire

DUBLIN: The "Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) Splitters for Optical Fibers: Global Market Forecast & Analysis 2023-2033" report has been added to's offering.

This market forecast includes an analysis and forecast of global market consumption of planar lightwave circuit (PLC) splitters used in optical fiber communication applications. The report specifically addresses the PLC splitter, using waveguide circuits and aligned fiber optic pigtails, integrated inside a package.

The 2023-2032 quantitative market review and forecast data presented in this report are segmented into the following geographic regions, plus a Global summary:

PLC Splitter Applications analysis covered in this report:

The forecast for each product-level is presented by function:

PLC splitters will continue to contribute an important role in Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) networks by allowing a single passive optical network (PON) interface to be shared among many subscribers. PLC splitters are available in compact sizes; therefore, they can be used in aerial apparatus, pedestals or in-ground as well as rack mount or other module-based value-added product. Installation is simple using a variety of connector types or splicing.

This report provides a detailed market and technology analysis of PLC splitters, which are largely driven by FTTx/Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) and are trending towards commodity manufacturing processes. The market forecast is segmented by the following product categories and split configurations:

Hierarchy of Selected PLC Splitters, by Fabrication-Level

Hierarchy of Selected PLC Splitters, by Splitter Configuration

Optical communication networks combine voice, audio, data at high and low speeds, video, television (including interactive 3D high resolution television), and other specialized transmission into a single integrated infrastructure.

Included within the infrastructure is business Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, unified messaging, web-assisted call centers, and a variety of small-business infrastructures. Residential use includes smart-TV (Internet-based TV), cloud-based video on demand (Netflix/Amazon), e-commerce, small office/home office telecommuting, advertising, medical monitoring, elder care monitoring, childcare monitoring, home and office security. Most existing communications will be built upon an Internet backbone during the period of this study. Reasons for this transition are rooted in demand. The customers are demanding greater speed, more functionality and reliability, and naturally, they expect "perfect" quality of service.

Planar waveguide circuits (PWCs) also referred to as planar lightwave circuits (PLCs), incorporate numerous active and passive functional uses for packaged modules. The long-term trend is for a larger share of discrete-circuit (single-function) based PWCs/PLCs being displaced by equivalent performance hybrid (multiple-function) planar devices.

Many optical functions, such as splitters, variable optical attenuators (VOAs) and array waveguides (AWGs) are currently developed and implemented forming discrete (single function/monolithic) component integration. The combination of the packaging and integrated optics aspects of PWC technology provides for an attractive and powerful technology for devices/modules, which will hold multiple (two or more) functions (integrated multifunction devices); thereby, reducing size, weight, and cost versus larger, bulkier discrete devices/modules.

As the demand for larger quantities of optical communication components evolve, technologies, which are friendly to automation assembly processes, will have a competitive manufacturing/cost advantage. Use of silicon wafers, for example, draws extensively on the mass-production techniques of the commercial integrated circuit (IC) production whelm, since the fabrication of PWCs incorporates many of the same pieces of equipment and processes.

Fiber-to-the-Home passive optical networks (FTTH/PONs) integrated PLCs, with multiple functions, have promise for a sizable market. The biplexer is an all-in-one transponder that includes the two wavelengths, 1310nm upstream and 1490nm downstream, is one end-use modules based on planar waveguide technology that is required for PON. And some networks will use a 1550nm wavelength for a cable TV overlay, creating the need for triplexers.

Key Topics Covered:

1. PLC Splitter Market Forecast Overview

1.1 Executive Summary

1.2 Fiber Optic Networks

2. PLC Splitter Market Forecast, by Fabrication-Level and Port-Count Configuration

2.1 Overview

2.2 PLC Splitter - Component Device (compact devices)

2.3 PLC Splitter Modules

3. PLC Splitter Market Forecast, by Fabrication-Level, Split Ratio and Application

3.1 Overview

3.2 Passive Optical Network (PON) - FTTX Networks / Service Providers (Telco/CATV)

3.3 Fiber Optic Test/Measurement & Specialty Applications

3.4 Private Enterprise Networks

3.5 Harsh Environment (Military, Industrial, Other)

4. PLC Splitter Technology

4.1 Overview

4.2 PLC Splitter - Component Device (tube or compact box)

4.3 PLC Splitter Modules

5. Selected Company Profiles

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Fonte: Business Wire

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