SoundHound AI To Participate in Investor Events in September

SoundHound AI, Inc. (Nasdaq: SOUN), a global leader in voice artificial intelligence, announced today that it will participate in the following investor events in September: Nitesh Sharan, CFO of Sou...

Autore: Business Wire

SANTA CLARA, Calif.: SoundHound AI, Inc. (Nasdaq: SOUN), a global leader in voice artificial intelligence, announced today that it will participate in the following investor events in September:

In addition, SoundHound AI will participate in one-on-one investor meetings at both of these conferences.

Please reach out to the respective conference hosts for more details on how to schedule a meeting at either conference. More information will be available on SoundHound’s investor relations website at

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About SoundHound AI

SoundHound (Nasdaq: SOUN), a global leader in conversational intelligence, offers voice and conversational AI solutions that let businesses offer incredible experiences to their customers. Built on proprietary technology, SoundHound’s voice AI delivers best-in-class speed and accuracy in numerous languages to product creators and service providers across retail, financial services, healthcare, automotive, smart devices, and restaurants via groundbreaking AI-driven products like Smart Answering, Smart Ordering, and Dynamic Drive Thru, and Amelia AI Agents. Along with SoundHound Chat AI, a powerful voice assistant with integrated Generative AI, SoundHound powers millions of products and services, and processes billions of interactions each year for world class businesses.

Fonte: Business Wire

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