Klaviyo Executives to Participate in Upcoming Investor Events

Klaviyo (NYSE: KVYO), the company that powers smarter digital relationships, today announced that Klaviyo executives will participate in the following investor events on Tuesday, September 10, 2024: ...

Autore: Business Wire

BOSTON: Klaviyo (NYSE: KVYO), the company that powers smarter digital relationships, today announced that Klaviyo executives will participate in the following investor events on Tuesday, September 10, 2024:

Live webcasts and replays will be available on Klaviyo’s investor relations website at https://investors.klaviyo.com/.

About Klaviyo

Klaviyo (CLAY-vee-oh) powers smarter digital relationships, making it easy for businesses to capture, store, analyze, and predictively use their own data to drive measurable, high-value outcomes. Klaviyo’s modern and intuitive SaaS platform enables business users of any skill level to harness their first-party data from more than 350 integrations to send the right message at the right time across email, SMS, and push notifications. Innovative businesses like Mattel, TaylorMade, Liquid Death, Stanley 1913, and more than 151,000 other paying customers leverage Klaviyo to acquire, engage, and retain customers—and grow on their own terms.

Tag: IR

Fonte: Business Wire

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