Hayward Holdings to Participate in the Jefferies Industrials Conference

Hayward Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: HAYW) (“Hayward” or the “Company”), a global designer, manufacturer, and marketer of a broad portfolio of pool equipment and outdoor living technology, today anno...

Autore: Business Wire

CHARLOTTE, N.C.: Hayward Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: HAYW) (“Hayward” or the “Company”), a global designer, manufacturer, and marketer of a broad portfolio of pool equipment and outdoor living technology, today announced that it will be participating in the Jefferies Industrials Conference in New York, New York, on September 5, 2024.

Management is scheduled to participate in a fireside chat at the conference on Thursday, September 5, at 8:40 a.m. ET. A link to the live webcast of the fireside chat and additional Company information can be found on the investor relations section of Hayward’s website at https://investor.hayward.com/events-and-presentations/default.aspx.

About Hayward Holdings, Inc.

Hayward Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: HAYW) is a leading global designer and manufacturer of pool and outdoor living technology. With a mission to deliver exceptional products, outstanding service and innovative solutions to transform the experience of water, Hayward offers a full line of energy-efficient and sustainable residential and commercial pool equipment including pumps, filters, heaters, cleaners, sanitizers, LED lighting, and water features all digitally connected through Hayward’s intuitive IoT-enabled SmartPad™.

Fonte: Business Wire

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