Practice by Numbers Introduces PbN Voice: A Modern Phone System for Dental Practices

#AllInOneSolution--Practice by Numbers, a leading provider of dental analytics and patient engagement software, is excited to announce the launch of PbN Voice, a cloud-based VoIP phone system, designe...

Autore: Business Wire

REDMOND, Wash.: #AllInOneSolution--Practice by Numbers, a leading provider of dental analytics and patient engagement software, is excited to announce the launch of PbN Voice, a cloud-based VoIP phone system, designed specifically to enhance patient communication for dental practices. Now available, PbN Voice seamlessly integrates with the Patient Management System (PMS) to provide instant access to patient information, key office phone analytics, and the flexibility to make and receive calls from anywhere—supporting multiple locations.

Key Features of PbN Voice:

Premium Hardware for Optimal Performance:

Dental practices looking to leverage this new feature are encouraged to contact Practice by Numbers for more information on how to integrate this update into their operations.

About Practice by Numbers

Practice by Numbers is an all-in-one software solution designed to help dental practices consolidate, streamline, and improve their day-to-day operations. Their mission is to transform dental practices with a full suite of analytics, patient communication tools, reputation management, online scheduling and payments, digital patient forms, insurance verification, and much more…all in a single platform. To learn more, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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