Forrester TEI Report Reveals 374% ROI for Brands Using Captiv8's Influencer Marketing Platform

#creatoreconomy--Captiv8, the leading influencer marketing platform for enterprise brands, has released a new global study conducted by Forrester Consulting. The study, titled “The Total Economic Im...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN FRANCISCO: #creatoreconomy--Captiv8, the leading influencer marketing platform for enterprise brands, has released a new global study conducted by Forrester Consulting. The study, titled “The Total Economic Impact of Captiv8,” reveals that brands using Captiv8’s influencer marketing solutions achieve an average return on investment (ROI) of 374%, driven by increased efficiency, cost savings, and global campaign expansion.

Key findings of the study include:

Customer Testimonials:

“Managing the programs with Captiv8 was super easy for me because it reduced 90% of the work, if not more,” said a Marketing Director in the retail sector.

“Captiv8’s customer service team feels like an extension of our team. They’re hands-on with learning and development, and engage with us frequently,” noted a Senior Lead from an apparel brand.

According to a Global COO at a PR and marketing organization, “Without Captiv8, managing end-to-end processes would be chaotic. The platform doubles the amount of work we can do with the same resources.”

“We globally grew 67% in influencer. Absolutely, Captiv8 was one of our success factors in that because of [the] consistency of client experience and time spent from the team on campaign management. I think it was definitely a really big factor." - Head of Influencer, PR and Marketing Organization

“Previously, we worked with an agency for a campaign with 3 mega influencers, and it cost us 1.2 million dollars. We did a very similar program through Captiv8 with that same kind of level of influencers was about half a million. So that saved us $700,000 which would have been 58%.” - Brand Director, Consumer Packaged Goods

About Captiv8

Captiv8 is the #1 influencer marketing platform for enterprise marketers, connecting brands with top-tier influencers to create authentic, engaging content. With advanced analytics and a vast network of creators, Captiv8 empowers brands to maximize their marketing efforts and achieve exceptional results.

For more information, please visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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