Latch Announces R2 Retrofit Kit, Unlocking Faster and Cheaper Building Upgrades

Latch, Inc., soon to be DOOR, today announced its new R2 Retrofit Kit, engineered to quickly and simply replace outdated door access readers with the modern, mobile-enabled Latch R2. The new Retrofit ...

Autore: Business Wire

The new kit enables property managers to quickly and easily update their buildings with modern, mobile-enabled door access readers using existing wiring

ST. LOUIS: Latch, Inc., soon to be DOOR, today announced its new R2 Retrofit Kit, engineered to quickly and simply replace outdated door access readers with the modern, mobile-enabled Latch R2. The new Retrofit Kit joins Latch’s suite of locks, intercoms, access control solutions, and building monitoring systems that enable Latch customers to deliver more value to their residents and generate additional Net Operating Income (NOI).

“The R2 Retrofit Kit is yet another example of Latch’s commitment to delivering affordable, easy-to-install access control solutions that provide state-of-the-art security and convenience without breaking the bank,” said Jamie Siminoff, Chief Doorman, Latch. “Now, upgrading your door access readers is a breeze and does not involve costly wiring changes or major alterations.”

With the R2 Retrofit Kit, it’s easy to upgrade properties with smart access control that is simple to install, doesn’t change the aesthetics of the property, and can be done affordably. The kit enables:

The R2 Retrofit Kit is available today for $999. Installation and bulk pricing is also available. To learn more, contact Latch’s sales team at, or email Chris Peckham, Head of Sales, at

About Latch, Inc.

Latch makes spaces better places to live, work, and visit through a system of software, devices, and services. For more information, please visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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