Obsidian Solutions Group Secures Key Contract to Support Domestic Emergency Support Team (DEST) and Consequence Management Coordination Unit (CMCU)

Obsidian Solutions Group (OSG), a premier provider of defense, intelligence, and emergency management solutions, is proud to announce its recent contract award to provide critical support for the Dome...

Autore: Business Wire

FREDERICKSBURG, Va.: Obsidian Solutions Group (OSG), a premier provider of defense, intelligence, and emergency management solutions, is proud to announce its recent contract award to provide critical support for the Domestic Emergency Support Team (DEST) and the Consequence Management Coordination Unit (CMCU). This contract will enhance national-level emergency preparedness and response, particularly in the face of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) threats.

The DEST provides expert guidance and support to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during WMD incidents or credible threats, while the CMCU offers strategic consequence management decision support to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other key stakeholders. Through this contract, Obsidian will deliver expert personnel and technical assistance to support comprehensive planning and response coordination.

“We are honored to be selected to support such vital national security programs,” said James Wiley, CEO of Obsidian Solutions Group. “Our team’s expertise in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) planning and response, combined with our deep understanding of interagency coordination, positions us to make a meaningful impact on the safety and security of our nation during times of crisis.”

Contract Highlights:

This contract aligns with the National Security Presidential Memorandum 36 (NSPM-36) framework, focusing on enhancing interagency collaboration and ensuring comprehensive preparedness for potential threats. Obsidian’s support will be both programmatic and technical, addressing all facets of crisis response and consequence management.

For more information on Obsidian Solutions Group’s capabilities and services, visit www.obsidiansg.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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