M365 Internal Communications Strategies Conference: Build a Dynamic Intranet and Engagement Platform with SharePoint, Teams, Viva, and Copilot (ONLINE: Miami, FL, US - November 12-14, 2024/ON-DEMAND) - ResearchAndMarkets.com

The "Internal Communications Strategies with M365: How to Maximize SharePoint, Teams, Viva & Copilot" conference has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Immerse Yourself In A Three-D...

Autore: Business Wire

DUBLIN: The "Internal Communications Strategies with M365: How to Maximize SharePoint, Teams, Viva & Copilot" conference has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

Immerse Yourself In A Three-Day Journey Tailored To Employee Communications Professionals. This Experience Will Equip You With Step-By-Step Guidance On Leveraging the M365 Toolkit To Engage Your Workforce Effectively Amidst Evolving Technology.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance future progress at your organization!

About This Internal Communications with Microsoft 365 Event

Through comprehensive sessions and practical demonstrations, you'll gain valuable insights and skills to effectively utilize M365 tools such as SharePoint, Teams, Viva, and Copilot to foster collaboration, streamline communication, and enhance employee engagement within your organization.

You will learn how to apply the key M365 tools and create a complete intranet and engagement platform using SharePoint, Teams, Viva, and Copilot including:

Benefits Of Attending This Conference

Who Should Attend:

This Conference has been researched and designed for Directors, Managers, Vice Presidents, Specialists, Officers, Project Leaders, Consultants involved in

For more information about this conference visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/pp0ou0

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Fonte: Business Wire

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