ZoomInfo Data Reveals Best and Worst Times of Year to Send Email

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI), the go-to-market platform to find, acquire, and grow customers, published an analysis of millions of global emails that reveals the best and worst times to reach email recipient...

Autore: Business Wire

Analysis of out of office email reply rates shows when people are most likely to respond


VANCOUVER, Wash.: ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI), the go-to-market platform to find, acquire, and grow customers, published an analysis of millions of global emails that reveals the best and worst times to reach email recipients.

ZoomInfo’s research team compiled the report by analyzing millions of emails sent globally by the company’s employees in 2023, and the rates at which they received OOO replies from their intended recipients.

With a 2.4% OOO reply rate, the fall stretch from mid-September to mid-November offers emailers one of their best chances all year at connecting with prospects, customers, colleagues, and counterparts via email.

According to Forbes, 77% of B2B buyers say their preferred form of contact is email, and more than 360 billion emails are sent worldwide every day.

Other findings include:

Read the ZoomInfo blog to learn more about implementing sales outreach strategies to help you navigate OOO replies.

Media interested in more detailed insights from this data can reach out to the ZoomInfo PR team.

About ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) is the trusted go-to-market platform for businesses to find, acquire, and grow their customers. It delivers accurate, real-time data, insights, and technology to more than 35,000 companies worldwide. Businesses use ZoomInfo to increase efficiency, consolidate technology stacks, and align their sales and marketing teams — all in one platform. ZoomInfo is a recognized leader in data privacy, with industry-leading GDPR and CCPA compliance and numerous data security and privacy certifications. For more information about how ZoomInfo can help businesses grow their revenue at scale, please visit www.zoominfo.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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