SimScale Announces Simulation Platform Enhancements for AI-Powered Automotive Design

#cfd--SimScale GmbH announced today a suite of enhancements designed to deepen its support of real-time, simulation-driven design for the automotive sector. SimScale, a fully cloud-native simulation ...

Autore: Business Wire

MUNICH: #cfd--SimScale GmbH announced today a suite of enhancements designed to deepen its support of real-time, simulation-driven design for the automotive sector.

SimScale, a fully cloud-native simulation platform, works with leading manufacturers, suppliers, and OEMs to ship better products faster while reducing R&D costs and increasing engineering innovation in a globally competitive landscape. Automotive companies use SimScale to design and optimize their products using a broad spectrum of analysis capabilities, including mechanical, thermal, CFD, and electromagnetics.

New features announced include:

For more information relating to these platform enhancements please visit SimScale’s blog.

Jon Wilde, VP Product Management at SimScale, says “We’re excited to bring these enhancements to our customers as we look to help them unlock next-generation engineering techniques. Techniques such as these are only made possible through cloud-native simulation platforms in which model and simulation data persist in a way immediately accessible for AI, generative design, and optimization workflows.”

This platform announcement coincided with SimScale reporting they had surpassed the milestone of 600,000 registered users of their platform, marking a global shift in adoption of simulation-driven engineering design practices as traditional barriers like hardware limitations and expertise bottlenecks are removed.

The new features will be launched at the IAA Transportation Trade Fair in Hannover, Germany from September 17-22. SimScale will be exhibiting at Stand SA24, Hall 12. SimScale CEO David Heiny will present live on Friday, September 20th at 10:20 a.m. on Automotive Design with AI-Powered Cloud Simulation.

Editor’s notes:

SimScale is the world’s first fully cloud-native SaaS application for simulation. By providing instant access to computational fluid dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA), thermodynamics, and electromagnetics analysis to over 600,000 users, SimScale has moved high-fidelity physics simulation technology from a complex and cost-prohibitive desktop application to a user-friendly cloud application accessible via a subscription-based pricing model.

Fonte: Business Wire

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