AppLovin Finds Customers Acquired Through In-App Ads More Engaged, Loyal Than Those Acquired By Social Media

AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP), a leading marketing platform, today released Consumer Mobile Trends 2024, a new report explaining how consumer mobile apps and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands can leverage mobi...

Autore: Business Wire

AppLovin’s Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report details the essentials of marketing channel diversification; provides the framework for starting and scaling in-app advertising

PALO ALTO, Calif.: AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP), a leading marketing platform, today released Consumer Mobile Trends 2024, a new report explaining how consumer mobile apps and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands can leverage mobile in-app advertising to deliver new growth and expand the reach and impact of their campaigns.

The report suggests that customers acquired through in-app ads are more engaged and loyal than from other channels. For instance, in the fintech sector, in-app ad customers open their apps 9 times per month on average, compared to 5.8 times for social media-acquired customers1. This increased engagement leads to more repeat transactions, drives higher revenue and allows marketers to reinvest back in their business.

“The shift in consumer behavior toward mobile devices has driven the need for a corresponding shift in marketing toward mobile in-app advertising,” Andrey Kazakov, VP of Demand at AppLovin. “Simply put, brands need to meet their customers where they are. The mobile environment is purpose-built to drive performance, making it a natural fit for DTC brands to engage with customers and drive meaningful engagement and retention.”

Nearly 50% of online transactions will occur on mobile devices this year and are expected to reach 62% by the end of 2025. AppLovin’s Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report provides a framework for starting and scaling in-app advertising, and dives into:

“We’re able to launch, monitor, and optimize our mobile in-app campaigns with minimal effort,” said Marian Bucher, Growth Expert at online shopping platform OTTO. “AI technology excels at pinpointing the right users to grow the volume and average order value of purchases.”

To view the full Consumer Mobile Trends 2024 report, please visit here.

About AppLovin

AppLovin makes technologies that help businesses of every size connect to their ideal customers. The company provides end-to-end software and AI solutions for businesses to reach, monetize and grow their global audiences. For more information about AppLovin, visit:

1Adjust Data, 1H 2024

Source: AppLovin Corp.

Fonte: Business Wire

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