Trace3 Launches Industry-Focused Verticals to Deliver Tailored IT Solutions

Trace3, a leading provider of IT solutions and business transformation services, announced the official launch of its industry-focused verticals within the company’s go-to-market strategy. This stra...

Autore: Business Wire

Highly specialized expertise at Trace3 to transform business IT operations and beyond in financial and health services sectors

IRVINE, Calif.: Trace3, a leading provider of IT solutions and business transformation services, announced the official launch of its industry-focused verticals within the company’s go-to-market strategy. This strategic move marks a significant milestone for Trace3, as it leverages its deep expertise to offer highly specialized and impactful solutions to clients in health services and financial services.

The company’s more than two decades servicing health and financial services clients sets Trace3 apart as a trusted partner for organizations seeking to optimize their IT strategy and drive growth. By dedicating teams to specifically focus on health and financial services, Trace3 is advancing its delivery of custom solutions that address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by each sector.

“Our deep bench in health and financial services further fuels our commitment to client intimacy and ensures that we will deliver unique value to our clients with every engagement. Industry focus and literacy is extremely important with the rise of AI,” Trace3 President Joe Quaglia said. “Understanding the nuances of an industry and how to devise a technology strategy to empower it means we can give our clients an advantage that their competitors may not have.”

Trace3's industry-focused approach encompasses a wide range of IT services, including:

This focus on tailored solutions ensures organizations working with Trace3 receive the highest level of service and support.

“We are fully dedicated to empowering and differentiating our clients, and making strategic decisions that align with this mission,” Trace3 Chief Marketing Officer Sandy Salty said. “This significant initiative enables us to harness and leverage more than 20 years of expertise, resources, intellectual property, connections, and technologies to accelerate the success of health and financial services brands, ensuring they thrive in a competitive landscape.”

Visit’s health services and financial services pages to learn more about Trace3's industry-focused verticals and how they can benefit your organization.

About Trace3

Trace3 delivers business transformation. The firm consults on, integrates, and operates convergent solutions across data, security, and cloud that embrace emerging technology and drive measurable business value for its clients. For more information, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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