“We’re on a Mission,” says new iconectiv Operativ Task Force

In a world where trust is fragile, identity is priceless and fraud lurks in darkness, there is a critical need for skilled experts ready to take on a wide range of challenges plaguing the global commu...

Autore: Business Wire

Elite Team of Experts Tackles Real-World Challenges, Powering a Trusted Global Communications Ecosystem

BRIDGEWATER, N.J.: In a world where trust is fragile, identity is priceless and fraud lurks in darkness, there is a critical need for skilled experts ready to take on a wide range of challenges plaguing the global communications ecosystem.

Enter the new “iconectiv Operativ Task Force.”

The focus of iconectiv’s new campaign, the highly intelligent iconectiv Operativ Task Force features six agents – each leveraging a core area of expertise to take on missions focused on the real-world issues that iconectiv customers worldwide face. At the helm of the task force is Agent iconectiv, who helps coordinate the missions while leveraging her own vast industry knowledge and expertise to empower a trusted communications ecosystem. She works with a diverse cast of agents, including:

“The iconectiv Operativ Task Force embodies the people uniquely capable of looking at a company’s needs and coming up with viable solutions to help them weather any type of challenge,” said Richard Jacowleff, CEO, iconectiv. “As creative problem solvers, the iconectiv team has the technical acumen, innovative mindset and industry know-how to take on the most challenging communications missions globally in the areas of digital identity, consumer engagement, fraud prevention, operations efficiency and trusted communications.”

iconectiv Delivers Agents in Action to the Screen

To bring further clarity around how iconectiv can help organizations across the globe, each mission is detailed in a video showcasing the issue and how one or more of the agents can help solve it. Here are just a few examples of videos launching today:

“Rather than espousing a long line of benefits that each of our platforms deliver, we are instead homing in on the issues that individual sectors like banking, contact centers, government and others actually face, and how iconectiv applies proven expertise to help make a difference in our clients’ operations every day. By opening up these missions, we dive into the details of real-world problems and provide insights on the solutions and approaches to address them,” said Jacowleff.

Always ready to take on new missions, the iconectiv Operativ Task Force invites you to submit the toughest communications challenges businesses are currently facing. Learn more about how to submit your own mission to the iconectiv Operativ Task Force here.

About iconectiv

Your business and your customers need to confidently access and exchange information simply, seamlessly and securely. iconectiv's extensive experience in information services, digital identity and numbering intelligence helps you do just that. In fact, more than 5K customers rely on our data exchange platforms each day to keep their networks, devices and applications connected and 2B consumers and businesses protected. Our cloud-based information as a service network and operations management and numbering solutions span trusted communications, digital identity management and fraud prevention. For more information, http://www.iconectiv.com/. Follow us on X and LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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