Faraday and Kiwimoore Succeed in 2.5D Packaging Project for Mass Production

#Chiplet--Faraday Technology Corporation (TWSE: 3035), a leading ASIC design service and IP provider, and Kiwimoore, a global leader in AI networking full-stack interconnect products and solutions, an...

Autore: Business Wire

HSINCHU, Taiwan: #Chiplet--Faraday Technology Corporation (TWSE: 3035), a leading ASIC design service and IP provider, and Kiwimoore, a global leader in AI networking full-stack interconnect products and solutions, announced today that their jointly developed 2.5D packaging platform has successfully entered the mass production stage. The one-stop advanced packaging platform and service developed through collaboration between Faraday and Kiwimoore, which incorporates Kiwimoore’s Chiplet interconnect and NDSA (network domain specific accelerator) solutions, highlight the significant achievements both companies have made in the Chiplet market.

Faraday effectively integrates multi-source Chiplets from different semiconductor manufacturers, covering compute dies, HBM design and production. Kiwimoore, on the other hand, provides various Chiplets including a high-performance 3D general-purpose base die, high-speed IO die, and high-performance NDSA; these can be customized and integrated according to specific customer needs. The two companies work together to offer comprehensive Chiplet SoC/interposer design integration, testing and analysis, outsourced procurement, and production planning services. This comprehensive solution accelerates system-level product design integration, allowing customers to focus on core die development, thereby shortening design cycles and reducing R&D costs.

“We are pleased to collaborate with Faraday,” said Mochen Tien, CEO of Kiwimoore. “Our joint efforts have provided a one-stop advanced packaging solution for customers, achieving customization in architecture and specifications for system-level designs. Faraday’s strong supply chain capabilities ensured stable supply of critical components such as interposers and HBM memory, which was a key factor in successfully advancing this Chiplet project to mass production.”

“Kiwimoore is a leading pioneer in Chiplet solutions,” said Flash Lin, COO of Faraday. “Through our close collaboration, we have successfully simplified the Chiplet design and packaging processes and quickly integrated Chiplets from different suppliers. This enables customers to accelerate product time-to-market and enhance market competitiveness. This collaborative success lays a solid foundation for the smooth progression of future projects.”

About Kiwimoore

Founded in 2021, Kiwimoore focuses on AI networking full-stack interconnect products and solutions. Leveraging high-performance RDMA and Chiplet technologies, the company has developed the unified interconnect architecture - Kiwi Fabric to meet the high-performance needs of large-scale AI computing platforms. Its products include SmartNIC, GPU Link Dies, IO Die and UCIe Die2Die IP for chip-level computation expansion, forming a full-link interconnect solution. The core team comes from industry giants such as NXP, Intel, and Broadcom, with extensive experience in AI interconnect product development, mass production, and management. For more information, please visit Kiwimoore’s website at www.kiwimoore.com.

About Faraday Technology Corporation

Faraday Technology Corporation (TWSE: 3035) is a leading ASIC design service and IP provider, certificated to ISO 9001 and ISO 26262. The broad silicon IP portfolio includes I/O, Cell Library, Memory Compiler, ARM-compliant CPUs, LPDDR4/4X, DDR4/3, MIPI D-PHY, V-by-One, USB 3.1/2.0, 10/100 Ethernet, Giga Ethernet, SATA3/2, PCIe Gen4/3, and 28G programmable SerDes, etc. Headquartered in Taiwan, Faraday has service and support offices around the world, including the U.S., Japan, and China. For more information, visit www.faraday-tech.com or follow Faraday on LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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