Automated Security Validation Sector Industry Report 2024: Enhanced Platform Capabilities and New Digital Environment Coverage are Driving Transformational Growth with an Uptick in Demand -

The "Automated Security Validation Sector, Global, 2023-2028" report has been added to's offering. This study examines the automated security validation (ASV) sector, providing...

Autore: Business Wire

DUBLIN: The "Automated Security Validation Sector, Global, 2023-2028" report has been added to's offering.

This study examines the automated security validation (ASV) sector, providing detailed insights into key market trends, forecasts, and dynamics. ASV tools provide a well-rounded, continuous, and automated assessment of an organization's security posture, helping enterprises test their security resiliency by running attack simulations on information technology (IT) infrastructure. These tools work by profiling well-known threat actors and attacks to test enterprise security architecture monitoring, detection, and response capabilities. The tools execute well-defined tactics, techniques, and procedures to mimic real-world cyber adversaries that leverage generative AI tools to launch large-scale, sophisticated attacks.

This study focuses on market trends and the global growth outlook for ASV solutions, with a regional deep-dive analysis including North America; Europe; Central and Latin America (CALA), the Middle East and Africa (MEA); and Asia-Pacific (APAC).

The study provides revenue breakdown and growth estimates by business size: small (250-499 employees), medium (500-999 employees), large (1,000-4,999 employees), and very large (>5,000 employees). It also offers a competitor analysis, key vendor profiles, and valuable insights for chief information security officers (CISOs). It analyzes the factors driving and restraining the growth of this industry and identifies the opportunities emerging from the changes in this space for market players and stakeholders to leverage. The base year is 2023, and the forecast period is from 2024 to 2028.

Key Growth Opportunities:

Key Topics Covered:

Transformation in the Automated Security Validation Sector


Growth Generator

Growth Generator: APAC

Growth Generator: Europe

Growth Generator: North America

Growth Generator: CALA

Growth Generator: MEA

Insights for CISOs: ASV

Best Practices Recognition

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Fonte: Business Wire

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