Pivot Payables Joins American Express Sync™

#CorporateCards--Pivot Payables Inc., a fintech company delivering corporate financial operations solutions, today announced a new integration with American Express. The integration offers American Ex...

Autore: Business Wire

New B2B payments collaboration provides Pivot Payables’ users even more ways to manage expenses, payments and cash flow with on-demand virtual Cards in PivotLynx

BELLEVUE, Wash.: #CorporateCards--Pivot Payables Inc., a fintech company delivering corporate financial operations solutions, today announced a new integration with American Express. The integration offers American Express® U.S. Business and Corporate Card Members the ability to generate virtual Cards within PivotLynx, Pivot Payables’ accounting automation application, ensuring requests are routed to managers for budget approval and cost accounting. It also allows virtual Card spending controls to be individually applied. At statement closing, PivotLynx automates the reconciliation between the Card statement and the general ledger, eliminating manual accounting steps. To achieve this integration, Pivot Payables is participating in the American Express Sync Commercial Partner Program.

“We are teaming up with American Express to give our customers access to the control, enhanced security and cash flow management that come with using an American Express virtual Card, alongside the PivotLynx application,” said John Toman, chief product officer and co-founder of Pivot Payables. “The integration helps us provide an elevated user experience and more value to our customers.”

Eligible American Express U.S. Business and Corporate Card Members using virtual Cards in PivotLynx can:

Enrollment is required and fees may apply. To learn more, visit https://www.pivotpayables.com/pivotlynx_virtualcards_americanexpress/.


Pivot Payables is a fintech company delivering corporate financial operations solutions. Pivot Payables helps financial executives increase the value of their commercial card programs related to spend and payment management for travel, purchasing and invoice business processes. For more information, visit www.pivotpayables.com or LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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