Okta Helps Builders Easily Implement Auth For GenAI Apps & Secure How Consumers Interact with GenAI Agents

Okta today announced a new Customer Identity Cloud product to help developers and organizations secure identity in GenAI applications, through secure identity standards and a seamless developer experi...

Autore: Business Wire

LAS VEGAS: Okta today announced a new Customer Identity Cloud product to help developers and organizations secure identity in GenAI applications, through secure identity standards and a seamless developer experience. With these new features, Okta customers will be able to easily implement support for typical patterns in GenAI applications.

Why It Matters:

What’s New – Auth for GenAI

The upcoming Auth for GenAI product empowers app builders to securely make use of GenAI in their apps. It is built upon decades of experience in identity and building for developers. Capabilities include:

“With the limitless possibilities of GenAI, it’s critical to instill trust among consumers and businesses by protecting sensitive data, user credentials and securing integrations across user applications,” said Shiven Ramji, President, Customer Identity Cloud at Okta. “Our new product, Auth for GenAI, enables application builders to enjoy securing their GenAI apps, with the developer and user experience Auth0 is known for.”

What’s New – Developer Portal

AI agents don't need user interfaces; they are better off talking to an API. To become "AI ready," products that don't have an API will look to build one, and all new products will launch with one. Agent identity and securing how developers and their partners access APIs will become more critical than ever.

The Developer Portal will help make APIs AI-ready. The Developer Portal is an upcoming product that makes it easy for companies to securely expose APIs, with their brand, to developers and partners.

Other New Innovations:

1 2023 Worldwide AI and Generative AI Spending Guide, IDC, 2023
2 Top 10 for LLMs and Generative AI Apps, OWASP, 2024

Disclaimer: Any products, features, functionalities, certifications, authorizations, or attestations referenced in this material that are not currently generally available or have not yet been obtained or are not currently maintained may not be delivered or obtained on time or at all. Product roadmaps do not represent a commitment, obligation or promise to deliver any product, feature, functionality, certification or attestation and you should not rely on them to make your purchase decisions.

About Okta

Okta is The World’s Identity Company™. We secure Identity, so everyone is free to safely use any technology. Our customer and workforce solutions empower businesses and developers to use the power of Identity to drive security, efficiencies, and success — all while protecting their users, employees, and partners. Learn why the world’s leading brands trust Okta for authentication, authorization, and more at okta.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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