Quantum Connections Equips The Salvation Army of North Texas with Dialogue Skills to Enhance Team Performance

The Salvation Army of North Texas has successfully completed Quantum Connections’ Connecting At Work™ program, a 12-week training curriculum designed to transform team communications and strengthe...

Autore: Business Wire

Structured dialogue drives meaningful change in nonprofit workplace dynamics

DALLAS: The Salvation Army of North Texas has successfully completed Quantum Connections’ Connecting At Work™ program, a 12-week training curriculum designed to transform team communications and strengthen interpersonal relationships throughout an organization. The program delivered proven dialogue skills and practical tools to key team members that strengthen workplace dynamics and performance, setting the stage for a more creative, collaborative, and connected service environment.

Led by Salvation Army of North Texas Area Commanders, Majors Dawn and Paul McFarland, and Managing Director Scotty Landry, the team participated in a highly interactive program based in Quantum Connections’ unique and proprietary Safe Conversations® Dialogue Methodology. Through a mix of live and online instruction, the Salvation Army cohort joined in exercises, role plays, and take-home assignments that, when practiced, equip participants with new and actionable dialogue skills that are proven to build higher employee engagement and more productive workplace interactions.

“We’re honored to have helped The Salvation Army of North Texas build a workplace culture that champions team creativity, collaboration and connection through structured dialogue,” said Dennis S. Holland, CEO of Quantum Connections. “Healthy and productive workplace relationships—rooted in dialogue—are a transformative driver for any organization's success, especially in today’s complex and, often, polarizing work environments. The commitment to mastering the practice of Dialogue speaks to the North Texas Area Command’s dedication to both their internal team and the communities they serve."

The program’s completion marks a significant milestone for the Salvation Army of North Texas—the largest Area Command in the world. With a service footprint spanning 4,078 square miles in Dallas, Tarrant and Ellis, Denton and Collin, and Rockwall Counties, the organization is now better equipped to support its diverse communities, fostering a more unified and connected approach to its mission.

“This training has been a game-changer for our team, enhancing the way we collaborate and connect with one another,” said Scotty Landry, Managing Director of the North Texas Salvation Army. “The experience has helped us be in better relationship with one another, promoting a stronger sense of unity and purpose as we work to support our community. We look forward to seeing the lasting results of what we’ve learned—both within the organization and in our service to North Texas.”

The impact of the Connecting At Work program on the North Texas Area Command aligns with Quantum Connections’ mission to enhance employee engagement, productivity, and retention through improved relational competency at the individual, team, and organization levels. By integrating the skills and practice of dialogue into its workplace culture, The Salvation Army of North Texas is setting a high standard for other nonprofits and businesses seeking to enhance their workplace dynamics and organizational success.

About Quantum Connections

Quantum Connections is an employee connection and performance platform for HR and business leaders seeking to measurably improve employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Founded by renowned relationship experts and best-selling authors, Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., Quantum Connections is grounded in the neuro and quantum social sciences and equips leaders and employees with the dialogue skills needed to foster collaboration, creativity, and connection that leads to lasting behavioral transformation and measurable business performance improvement.

Fonte: Business Wire

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