Genethon to Showcase the Latest Advances in Gene Therapies for Multiple Diseases at the ESGCT 31st Annual Congress October 22 – 25, 2024 in Rome, Italy

Genethon, the French laboratory created by AFM-Telethon, announced today that 20 scientists will present the latest advances in development of gene therapies for many different types of diseases at th...

Autore: Business Wire

Twenty Genethon researchers and collaborators will be featured in four oral and 18 poster presentations

PARIS: Genethon, the French laboratory created by AFM-Telethon, announced today that 20 scientists will present the latest advances in development of gene therapies for many different types of diseases at the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy’s 31st Annual Congress October 22 - 25, 2024 in Rome, Italy.

"Participating in the ESGCT congress is a unique opportunity for our teams to share the latest results of Genethon's work in the field of gene therapy, scientific and medical advances that can change patients' lives,” said Frederic Revah, Genethon’s Chief executive Officer. “The selected oral presentations and posters reflect not only the expertise of our teams, but also Genethon's pioneering role and recognized leadership in this sector."

The following four oral presentations feature research and innovations developed by Genethon (all times are CEST):

Wednesday, October 23rd

SESSION 3a: AAV vectors as tools in gene therapy of rare diseases - recent development to improve efficacy and safety (08:30 to 10:30)

Serge Braun - GNT0004, Genethon's AAV8 vector-delivered microdystrophin gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: first data from Phase 1/2 part of GNT-016-MDYF all-in-one clinical trial in ambulant boys. Presentation of one-year data from the Phase 1/2 clinical trial.

SESSION 3d: Metabolic Diseases: Preclinical (08:30 to 10:30)

Louisa Jauze - Liver-directed AAV gene transfer corrects hypoglycemia and metabolic impairment in a GSDIII mouse model in the long term. Development of a gene therapy that corrected the hepatic symptoms of type III glycogenosis up to 9 months after injection in an animal model of the disease.

Thursday, October 24th

SESSION 7c: Cardio and Muscular (09:00 to 11:00)

Edith Renaud-Gabardos - Ten-year efficacy of gene therapy in a canine model of X-linked myotubular myopathy. Presentation of the functional effects and persistence of efficacy.

SESSION 9a: in vivo Gene Editing in Preclinical Models (15:30 to 17:30)

Maelle Ralu - CRISPR-Cas9 mediated endogenous utrophin upregulation improves Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Use of a CRISPR-Cas9 strategy, in the context of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in mice, to over-express utrophin in cells, a protein that can compensate for the absence of dystrophin, and thus improve the phenotype.

The following are 18 posters by Genethon collaborators:

AAV & Non-integrating vectors

Cardiovascular and muscular diseases

Central Nervous System and Sensory Diseases

Disease models, IPS cells and organoids

Immune responses to gene therapy

Genome editing

Immunotherapy and CART cells

Metabolic diseases

Skin, lung and skeletal diseases

About Genethon

A pioneer in the discovery and development of gene therapies for rare diseases, Généthon is a non-profit organization created by the AFM-Téléthon. The first gene therapy to treat spinal muscular atrophy, incorporating technologies developed at Genethon, is marketed worldwide. With over 200 scientists and professionals, Genethon pursues its goal of developing innovative therapies that change the lives of patients suffering from rare genetic diseases. Thirteen products from Genethon's R&D or collaborations are in clinical trials for diseases of the liver, blood, immune system, muscles and eyes. A further seven products could enter clinical trials in the next five years. To find out more

Fonte: Business Wire

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