Survey Reveals Only 34% of AI Professionals Feel Fully Equipped to Meet Business Goals

DataRobot, the enterprise AI platform, today released a global survey that reveals organizations continue to struggle to generate business value with AI. Despite increased investments in AI, only 34% ...

Autore: Business Wire

700 AI practitioners identify lack of confidence, implementation and integration challenges, and collaboration gaps as barriers to delivering business value with AI

BOSTON: DataRobot, the enterprise AI platform, today released a global survey that reveals organizations continue to struggle to generate business value with AI. Despite increased investments in AI, only 34% of AI professionals feel fully equipped with the tools necessary to meet their organization's AI goals, according to the new survey findings.

The survey included over 700 AI practitioners and leaders from a range of business sizes and AI maturity levels. It uncovered 50 pain points facing AI teams today across four major themes:

  • Monitoring and Observability (45%): Respondents cited difficulties ensuring the reliability and consistency of their models, even in mature AI organizations. Monitoring outputs in real-time and ensuring dependable performance remain a significant concern.
  • Generative AI Development and Deployment (35%): Respondents struggle with building generative AI application interfaces and setting up application hosting. Respondents pointed to unclear expectations for generative AI outputs and the need to simplify prototyping.
  • Implementation and Integration (27%): Respondents expressed frustration over delays between team handoffs and deployment due to complex integrations of diverse toolsets and excessive time spent troubleshooting systems that are not fully interoperable. This was especially true with organizations using AI solutions from hyperscalers.
  • Collaboration (20%): With multiple roles involved in AI development, respondents identified fragmented workflows and cross-department handoffs as major obstacles to delivering AI projects from concept to production.
  • Additional findings revealed a growing confidence gap amid the convergence of predictive and generative AI:

    "The data is clear: there is a widening gap between current tooling and what practitioners need to feel confident in AI outputs. Despite billions of dollars poured into AI, outcomes have been inconsistent,” said Michael Schmidt, Chief Technology Officer, DataRobot. ”As existing and emergent AI use cases are converging, there's a growing demand for a new approach — one that includes workflows, guardrails, and components tailored to the use-case data and requirements. Addressing the obstacles AI practitioners face is essential to achieving the results businesses expect from AI."

    To download the full report, visit


    The Unmet AI Needs Survey was conducted by DataRobot in partnership with F’inn to identify and better understand the unmet needs AI teams face today. Nearly 700 AI practitioners and AI leaders worldwide were surveyed using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The survey captured feedback from a wide range of roles and seniority levels — Data Scientists, ML Engineers, DevOps, IT professionals, and more — across organizations at various stages of AI maturity.

    About DataRobot

    DataRobot is the enterprise AI platform leader, empowering organizations to accelerate AI from idea to impact. With over a decade at the forefront of AI innovation, we know what it takes to make a real difference – to your bottom line, to your business vision, and to the world around us. Our end-to-end AI platform allows your organization to quickly build, securely operate and confidently govern your entire AI landscape from a single, unified experience. Organizations across industries and geographies trust DataRobot to help solve their biggest challenges with AI, leveraging generative and predictive capabilities today while providing the flexibility to adapt to the innovations of tomorrow. Learn more at and connect with us on LinkedIn.

    Fonte: Business Wire

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