Gigamon Joins the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association

#CloudSecurity--Gigamon, a leading deep observability company, continues to expand its cloud cybersecurity ecosystem, announcing today it has become a member of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Asso...

Autore: Business Wire

Integrates Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline with Microsoft Sentinel to help mutual customers eliminate security blind spots and elevate cybersecurity defenses

SANTA CLARA, Calif.: #CloudSecurity--Gigamon, a leading deep observability company, continues to expand its cloud cybersecurity ecosystem, announcing today it has become a member of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA). MISA is a network of independent software vendors (ISVs) and managed security service providers (MSSPs) that have integrated their solutions with Microsoft security technology to better defend mutual customers against a world of evolving cyber threats. Gigamon integrated its deep observability pipeline with Microsoft Sentinel, a cloud-based security information and event (SIEM) management platform with built-in AI, helping to deliver greater visibility to defend against cybersecurity threats.

In the Gigamon 2024 Hybrid Cloud Security report, 84 percent of the more than 1,000 Security and IT leaders surveyed agree that deep observability is a foundational element of cloud security today. Deep observability – network-derived intelligence and insights delivered to cloud, security, and observability tools – helps organizations eliminate blind spots, optimize network traffic, reduce tool costs, and ease the security and management of hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Deep Observability Powers Microsoft Sentinel to Deliver Comprehensive Visibility into Lateral and Encrypted Traffic

Organizations have traditionally relied on SIEM tools to detect, analyze, and respond to security threats based on traditional log data, yet log data can be easily manipulated by threat actors and still lack the application details necessary to effectively respond to threats in real-time. Amid this complex threat landscape, Gigamon has successfully integrated its solution with Microsoft Sentinel, to provide mutual customers with greater real-time threat visibility, enabling intelligent detection and faster response times across hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Microsoft Sentinel receives network-derived intelligence from Gigamon and incorporates its built-in AI to analyze large volumes of data from many different sources to produce behavior analytics. With Gigamon Application Metadata Intelligence (AMI), Microsoft Sentinel customers can now extract metadata and create customized streams of intelligence, choosing which data they want tools to receive. Together this provides centralized visibility across lateral and encrypted traffic and applications running across on-premises, virtual, public cloud, and container environments. This centralized approach provides customers with deep observability and allows security teams to more efficiently identify, assess, and respond to threats across hybrid cloud infrastructure, speeding up threat response times.

“Today’s evolving threat landscape demands a robust, collaborative ecosystem to efficiently secure and manage increasingly complex hybrid cloud infrastructure,” said Srinivas Chakravarty, vice president, Cloud Ecosystem at Gigamon. “The Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline is a key component of this ecosystem, and we’re committed to empowering our ecosystem partners, like Microsoft, with the visibility they need to proactively identify, assess, and respond to threats before they compromise our joint customers’ hybrid cloud infrastructure.”

“The Microsoft Intelligent Security Association has grown into a vibrant ecosystem comprised of the most reliable and trusted security software vendors across the globe,” said Maria Thomson, director of Microsoft Intelligent Security Association. “Our members, like Gigamon, share Microsoft’s commitment to collaboration within the cybersecurity community to improve our customers’ ability to predict, detect, and respond to security threats faster.”

Established in 2018 to bring together Microsoft leaders, ISVs, and MSSPs, MISA focuses on collaborating to combat security threats and create a safer environment for all. Its mission is to provide intelligent, industry-leading security solutions that work together to help protect organizations at the speed and scale of AI in an ever-increasing threat landscape.

For More Information

For more information about the integration between Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline and Microsoft Sentinel, please visit our listings in the MISA Catalog or on our website.

About Gigamon

Gigamon® offers a deep observability pipeline that efficiently delivers network-derived intelligence to cloud, security, and observability tools. This helps eliminate security blind spots and reduce tool costs, enabling you to better secure and manage your hybrid cloud infrastructure. Gigamon has served more than 4,000 customers worldwide, including over 80 percent of Fortune 100 enterprises, 9 of the 10 largest mobile network providers, and hundreds of governments and educational organizations. To learn more, please visit

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Fonte: Business Wire

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