BPGbio CEO Niven R. Narain to Present at Google’s Inaugural Cancer AI Symposium

#bpgbio--BPGbio, Inc., a leading biology-first, AI-powered, clinical stage biopharma focused on mitochondrial biology and protein homeostasis, today announced its participation in the inaugural Google...

Autore: Business Wire

BOSTON: #bpgbio--BPGbio, Inc., a leading biology-first, AI-powered, clinical stage biopharma focused on mitochondrial biology and protein homeostasis, today announced its participation in the inaugural Google Cancer AI Symposium, in Boston. BPGbio President and CEO Niven R. Narain, Ph.D., will deliver a presentation on “Making AI for Discovery Real - Prioritizing Biology before Tech,” on October 30 at 2:45 pm.

Dr. Narain’s session will delve into the evolving landscape of AI-driven drug discovery, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges. Drawing from BPGbio’s pioneering history in the intersection of AI and Biology and his lens of experience, Narain will share best practices that have fueled the company’s robust clinical pipeline, which includes its BPM31510, currently in a phase 2b for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and a phase 2a for pancreatic cancer, as well as a potential pivotal trial targeting multiple primary CoQ10 deficiency mutations.

“It is a privilege to be invited to speak at Google’s inaugural Cancer AI Summit, especially on a topic BPGbio has pioneered for the past decade,” said Dr. Narain. “I look forward to sharing our journey, use cases, and wins with industry leaders and esteemed researchers. By combining the strengths of biology and AI technology, we can address the immense challenges of cancer research and accelerate the development of more effective therapeutics. I also plan to highlight the community of global partners who helped galvanize our road to success.”

During the presentation, Dr. Narain will also provide updates on BPGbio’s robust portfolio of therapeutic candidates, many of which are in late-stage clinical trials. These candidates have been identified/guided using the company’s proprietary AI-powered NAi Interrogative Biology® Platform, which facilitates target discovery, biomarker identification, and drug development through all stages—from preclinical to late-stage development. The NAi Platform is currently advancing key partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, and government organizations on various disease indications.

BPGbio’s therapeutic pipeline includes candidates for glioblastoma (orphan drug), pancreatic cancer (orphan drug), primary CoQ10 deficiency (rare pediatric disease designation), epidermolysis bullosa (orphan drug), squamous cell carcinoma (orphan drug), sarcopenia, solid and liquid tumors, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

For more information on BPGbio’s participation in the Google Cancer AI Symposium, visit www.bpgbio.com.

About the NAi Interrogative Biology Platform

The NAi Interrogative Biology Platform combines BPGbio’s industry-leading, clinically annotated proprietary biobank, purpose-built Bayesian artificial intelligence, and the compute power of the world’s fastest supercomputer, Frontier, housed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Collectively, these tools enable the company to bring artificial intelligence to biology, inspiring AI-driven target nomination, discovery, molecule design, and more. The platform has been used to identify more than 100 drug targets and diagnostic biomarkers and supported research collaborations with a range of government, industry and academic partners including the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), Sanofi, and Harvard Medical School.

About BPGbio

BPGbio is a leading biology-first AI-powered clinical stage biopharma focused on mitochondrial biology and protein homeostasis. The company has a deep pipeline of AI-developed therapeutics spanning oncology, rare disease and neurology, including several in late-stage clinical trials. BPGbio’s novel approach is underpinned by NAi, its proprietary Interrogative Biology Platform, protected by over 400 US and international patents; one of the world’s largest clinically annotated non-governmental biobanks with longitudinal samples; and exclusive access to the most powerful supercomputer in the world. With these tools, BPGbio is redefining how patient biology can be modeled using bespoke Bayesian AI specifically designed for solving large-scale biology challenges. Headquartered in greater Boston, the company is at the forefront of a new era in medicine, combining biology, multi-modal data, and AI to transform the way we understand, diagnose, and treat disease. For more information, visit www.bpgbio.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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