Cass County Strengthens Citizen Safety with CentralSquare’s Public Safety Pro Suite Across 25+ Agencies

CentralSquare Technologies, a leading provider of public sector software, today announced that local government safety organizations in Cass County, MO have successfully implemented its Public Safety ...

Autore: Business Wire

Seamless Integration Across Multiple Public Safety Agencies Boosts Operational Efficiency and Enhances Community Protection

LAKE MARY, Fla.: CentralSquare Technologies, a leading provider of public sector software, today announced that local government safety organizations in Cass County, MO have successfully implemented its Public Safety Pro Suite, marking a significant upgrade in the county’s emergency response capabilities. The new system, which went live on Aug. 13, consolidates over two million files across 27 agencies – streamlining communication and data accessibility across fire, police and emergency medical services.

After years of struggling with outdated technology, Cass County – a community of over 110,000 -- identified the need to modernize its emergency response operations.

“The adoption of Pro Suite from CentralSquare was the missing piece for Cass County. We now have a system that allows seamless communication across jurisdictions, providing our first responders with the critical information they need in real time,” said Marie Beauchamp, Executive Director of the Cass County Emergency Services Board. “This technology has revolutionized how we operate and has paved the way for future growth and adaptation.”

Through CentralSquare’s Pro Suite integrated platform, Cass County has unified five public safety answering points, multiple law enforcement and fire agencies and two jails under a single efficient system.

“The benefit of CentralSquare’s Pro Suite is that it breaks down communication silos in local safety organizations and strengthens cooperation among those public services," said Sarah McWhorter, Vice President of Product Management at CentralSquare Technologies. "By consolidating systems and improving real-time communication capabilities, Cass County is better positioned to adapt to the evolving needs of public safety."

For more information about CentralSquare Technologies and the Public Safety Pro Suite, please visit

About CentralSquare Technologies:

CentralSquare Technologies is the leading provider of public sector software in North America. The best-run communities rely on CentralSquare to manage all aspects of their state and local governments – from public safety to public works. Our comprehensive software suite includes modern cloud-based solutions to support police, fire, finance, payments, permits, utility billing and much more. With more than 40 years of dedication to the public sector, today we proudly serve over 8,000 customers. Learn more at

Fonte: Business Wire

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