Toi Labs' TrueLoo® Recognized as a 2024 TIME Invention of the Year

Toi Labs is honored to announce that its groundbreaking product, TrueLoo®, was named one of The Best Inventions of 2024 by TIME. TrueLoo, an AI-powered toilet seat that analyzes waste, was recognized...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN FRANCISCO: Toi Labs is honored to announce that its groundbreaking product, TrueLoo®, was named one of The Best Inventions of 2024 by TIME. TrueLoo, an AI-powered toilet seat that analyzes waste, was recognized for its innovative ability to yield health insights through non-invasive, daily tracking of toilet activity.

Every urination and bowel movement provides critical clues about a person's health, yet healthcare providers and caregivers often lack tools for continuous, proactive monitoring. TrueLoo solves this problem by seamlessly integrating its patented optical scanning technology into existing toilet systems, and by applying advanced machine learning algorithms to deliver actionable data and alerts to users and their healthcare providers. TrueLoo effectively turns the toilet into a source of vital signs, allowing individuals and healthcare professionals to proactively monitor potentially concerning changes in stool or urine, thereby promoting health and wellness.

"We created TrueLoo with the vision of making personalized health monitoring accessible and proactive," said Vik Kashyap, founder and CEO of Toi Labs. "By bringing the power of real-time, AI-driven analysis to an everyday routine, TrueLoo serves as a window into health trends that otherwise would go unobserved."

Currently deployed in more than 50 senior living facilities, TrueLoo is already making a significant impact on the well-being of residents and the efficiency of healthcare providers. TrueLoo is also available to consumers for pre-order at

By including TrueLoo in its prestigious Best Inventions issue, TIME has highlighted the enormous potential of the AI-powered toilet seat to transform health monitoring. Toi Labs is honored to receive this recognition, as the company continues to harness AI and other advanced technologies to improve preventative care, and to fulfill its mission of creating a world with better, more informed health choices.

For more information about TrueLoo and Toi Labs, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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