GMO GlobalSign Renews its Status with G-Cloud

#CrownCommercialServices--GMO GlobalSign, a global Certificate Authority (CA) and leading provider of identity security, digital signing and IoT solutions, today announced that its supplier status wit...

Autore: Business Wire

Renewal of top certificate authority’s G-Cloud contract enables public sector organizations in the UK to access industry’s best PKI-based solutions

LONDON: #CrownCommercialServices--GMO GlobalSign, a global Certificate Authority (CA) and leading provider of identity security, digital signing and IoT solutions, today announced that its supplier status with Crown Commercial Service's G-Cloud has been renewed. The designation allows GMO GlobalSign to continue selling its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) software solutions to public sector companies in the United Kingdom participating in the G-Cloud framework. GMO GlobalSign first became an approved G-Cloud framework supplier in November 2022.

Operated by the Crown Commercial Service, G-Cloud is a framework created specifically for UK public sector organizations to easily procure cloud computing services. First introduced in 2012, G-Cloud allows public sector organizations to make purchases without running a full tender or a competitive procurement process. Solutions from GMO GlobalSign available on G-Cloud include our digital and electronic signatures, eSeals and TLS and SSL certificates. In addition, GMO GlobalSign’s fully automated managed PKI Provisioning Service, Managed PKI, and our premium support service are also available.

“We are proud to continue our participation in the G-Cloud ecosystem. By doing so, public sector organizations in the United Kingdom can continue procuring our award-winning products and solutions,” said Mike Boyle, Alliance Manager, GMO GlobalSign. “Further, at a time when organizations must be ever-vigilant about managing their Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), by making our solutions more easily available, GMO GlobalSign is doing its part to provide security and digital trust to the public sector.”

To learn more about GMO GlobalSign’s participation in the G-Cloud framework, visit our latest blog post.

About Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, supporting the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. To find out more about CCS, visit: Follow us on Twitter: @gov_procurement


About GMO GlobalSign

As one of the world’s most deeply-rooted certificate authorities, GMO GlobalSign is the leading provide of trusted identity and security solutions enabling businesses, large enterprises, cloud-based service providers, and IoT innovators worldwide to conduct secure online communications, manage millions of verified digital identities and automate authentication and encryption. Its high-scale Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and identity solutions support the billions of services, devices, people, and things comprising the IoT. GMO GlobalSign is a subsidiary of GMO GlobalSign Holdings, K.K., a member of the Japan-based GMO Internet Group, has offices in the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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