At-Bay Releases Annual Ranking of Email Security Solutions: Google Workspace and Mimecast Top Categories

At-Bay, the InsurSec provider for the digital age, today released its 2024 InsurSec Rankings Report - Email Security and Financial Fraud, which details new trends in email attacks and financial losses...

Autore: Business Wire

New InsurSec report ranks the top Email Services and Email Security Solutions from best to worst; Finds email incidents grew by nearly 25% in 2023

Key News Highlights

SAN FRANCISCO: At-Bay, the InsurSec provider for the digital age, today released its 2024 InsurSec Rankings Report - Email Security and Financial Fraud, which details new trends in email attacks and financial losses among mid-market and emerging businesses, and ranks today’s top email security solutions and email services from best to worst. One major finding from the report, which analyzes At-Bay’s email claims data from 2021 through the first half of 2024, shows that email incidents increased in the US in 2023, with the frequency of email claims jumping by nearly 25%. Financial fraud was also the most common email crime, involved in 3 of 5 email claims.

“As an InsurSec company, we are uniquely positioned to objectively measure and assess the effectiveness of today’s top email solutions at reducing cyber risk,” said Ayelet Kutner, Chief Technology Officer at At-Bay. “Today we can reveal that Google Workspace and Mimecast have once again topped their categories, and even improved their outcomes since our last ranking. Google Workspace customers and Mimecast customers experienced 54% and 37% fewer email security incidents, respectively, than the averages in their categories.”

Key findings from the report

To download the full report and learn how organizations can better protect themselves from email crime, visit: 2024 InsurSec Rankings - Email Security and Financial Fraud Report.

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About At-Bay

At-Bay is the InsurSec provider for the digital age. By combining world-class technology with industry-leading insurance, At-Bay was designed from the ground up to empower businesses of every size to meet cyber risk head-on. At-Bay Insurance Services, LLC provides insurance protection and security prevention solutions to close to 40,000 businesses in the US, safeguarding up to $800B in collective business revenue, and offers coverage by admitted and non-admitted insurers for Cyber, Technology Errors & Omissions (Tech E&O), and Miscellaneous Professional Liability (MPL). The At-Bay Group also includes an active full-stack insurance company and a cybersecurity company. At-Bay Security offers proprietary cybersecurity solutions including At-Bay Stance Managed Detection & Response (MDR).

Fonte: Business Wire

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