Blackline Safety Unveils Whitepaper on Navigating Radiation Risks for Fire-Hazmat, Safety Workers

Blackline Safety Corp. (TSX: BLN), a global leader in connected safety technology, has released a new whitepaper entitled Navigating Radiation Risks: Key Concepts for Protecting Workers and Responders...

Autore: Business Wire

Whitepaper provides critical insights to help companies, individuals identify and assess threats to improve worker and public safety

CALGARY, Canada: Blackline Safety Corp. (TSX: BLN), a global leader in connected safety technology, has released a new whitepaper entitled Navigating Radiation Risks: Key Concepts for Protecting Workers and Responders in an effort to mitigate radiation exposure for fire-hazmat and first responder teams.

Designed as a strategic playbook, the whitepaper aims to help teams assess and react to the rising threat of radiation exposure to better protect workers, the public and the environment.

“For those on the front line, such as first responders, hazmat teams, and workers in industrial fields like mining and oil and gas, there’s an increased risk of accidental exposure to dangerous levels of radiation,” said Christine Gillies, Chief Product and Marketing Officer at Blackline Safety. “Quick thinking and robust emergency protocols are essential to ensure worker and community safety.”

“This whitepaper responds to a growing industry need to educate workers on the different types of radiation, early detection strategies, and approaches to address the broad spectrum of radiation risks, faster and smarter,” she said.

Key insights from the whitepaper:

Download the full whitepaper free of charge here.

About Blackline Safety
Blackline Safety is a technology leader driving innovation in the industrial workforce through IoT (Internet of Things). With connected safety devices and predictive analytics, Blackline enables companies to drive towards zero safety incidents and improved operational performance. Blackline provides wearable devices, personal and area gas monitoring, cloud-connected software and data analytics to meet demanding safety challenges and enhance overall productivity for organizations with coverage in more than 100 countries. Armed with cellular and satellite connectivity, Blackline provides a lifeline to tens of thousands of people, having reported over 250 billion data-points and initiated over eight million emergency alerts. For more information, visit and connect with us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn and Instagram.

Fonte: Business Wire

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