Generative AI More Important to Marketers Following Google's Decision Not to Fully Deprecate Third-party Cookies

59% of US marketers state that Generative AI will be more important following Google’s announcement that it will no longer remove all third-party cookies from browsers, reveals a new study from Prim...

Autore: Business Wire

NEW YORK: 59% of US marketers state that Generative AI will be more important following Google’s announcement that it will no longer remove all third-party cookies from browsers, reveals a new study from PrimeAudience. In addition, a significant 9 in 10 marketers plan to increase their marketing spend on Generative AI next year by at least 5%, with over half planning to boost budgets by 16%.

PrimeAudience, a company dedicated to elevating audience targeting with AI-enhanced precision, completed this survey in collaboration with independent research company Censuswide. They partnered to survey 251 US marketers in September 2024 to understand how they plan to utilize Generative AI in future marketing efforts.

The impact

Marketers are already using Generative AI and seeing results in their marketing. In fact, 85% state that the technology benefits their marketing efforts. When asked what the top benefits are, 49% list better data analysis, while 45% and 43% respectively highlight improved audience targeting and more effective personalization capabilities.

Forward planning

When asked whether Generative AI has improved their marketing results, 87% of respondents felt confident it has. In addition, 83% are confident that they have the right Generative AI tools in place to find new audiences.

"It is promising to see from this survey that the positive impact of Generative AI on marketing tools is being realised by US marketers,” commented Mateusz Rumiński, PrimeAudience VP of Product. “Google’s most recent announcement highlights the unpredictability of the industry, but by shifting focus towards Generative AI tools, marketers will be in a better position to withstand its uncertainty. We are only scratching the surface of the true benefit of this technology on audience targeting and beyond.”

*This data was collected by Censuswide between 5th September 2024 and 13th September 2024, following a survey of 251 US marketers and 250 marketers in the UK, who answered questions around the use of Generative AI both now, and in the coming year.

To learn more about this survey, visit

Notes to editor:

About PrimeAudience

PrimeAudience is a global custom audience provider, transforming how businesses engage with new customers. By leveraging proprietary generative AI technology and advanced data analytics, PrimeAudience enables marketers to access high-quality audiences at scale, driving enhanced user engagement and superior performance. With a focus on innovation, PrimeAudience allows you to achieve your goals whether you're looking for audiences with or without user identifiers.

Fonte: Business Wire

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