Enfusion To Present at Upcoming Investor Events

Enfusion, Inc. ("Enfusion") (NYSE: ENFN), a leading provider of software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions for investment managers, today announced that Enfusion’s Chief Financial Officer, Brad Herring,...

Autore: Business Wire

NEW YORK & LONDON & HONG KONG: Enfusion, Inc. ("Enfusion") (NYSE: ENFN), a leading provider of software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions for investment managers, today announced that Enfusion’s Chief Financial Officer, Brad Herring, and Chief Operating Officer, Neal Pawar, will participate at the following investor events:

Live audio webcasts and archived replays of the events will be available in the Events & Presentations section of the Enfusion Investor Relations website at http://ir.enfusion.com.

About Enfusion

Enfusion's investment management software-as-a-service platform removes traditional information boundaries, uniting front-, middle- and back-office teams on one system. Through its software, analytics, and middle/back-office managed services, Enfusion creates enterprise-wide cultures of real-time, data-driven intelligence and collaboration boosting agility and powering growth. Enfusion partners with over 850 investment managers from 9 global offices spanning four continents.

Source: Enfusion, Inc.
Source Code: ENFN-IR

Fonte: Business Wire

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