From AI to Energy Optimization: Barilla and Plug and Play Recognize the Most Innovative Food-Tech Startups

Barilla and Plug and Play, the world's largest open innovation platform, have announced the four winning projects of Good Food Makers, a program launched in 2019 with the goal of stimulating the devel...

Autore: Business Wire

PARMA, Italy: Barilla and Plug and Play, the world's largest open innovation platform, have announced the four winning projects of Good Food Makers, a program launched in 2019 with the goal of stimulating the development of new sustainable food solutions. The winners will participate in an eight-week program, working closely with Barilla managers to develop and test new technologies, benefiting from the vision of a company that has been dedicated to producing good and high-quality food for 147 years.

The winners of the four categories in the 2024 edition—AI for Consumer Insights, Tasty and Healthy, Energy Shift, and Smart Start: Operators Onboarding—are:

To support their growth journey, the four selected startups will receive a total amount of €40,000 and the opportunity to collaborate with Barilla Group in the future, as collaboration with innovative companies is a fundamental part of Barilla’s business approach. Thanks to this program a milestone was achieved in 2024, when Barilla completed the full digitalization of its fresh basil supply chain for Pesto Barilla alla Genovese, ensuring full traceability and efficiency. The basil (fresh and semi-processed) used in the pesto was the first in the world to be tracked using blockchain technology, due to the collaboration with Connecting Food - a winner of a previous edition of Good Food Makers.

Fonte: Business Wire

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