Momcozy’s Award-Winning Products Shine Globally as Brand Expands into European Market

Momcozy, a global leader in mother and baby care, continues to build its reputation for excellence with recent industry Awards and strategic market expansion in Europe. These achievements reflect the ...

Autore: Business Wire

NEW YORK: Momcozy, a global leader in mother and baby care, continues to build its reputation for excellence with recent industry Awards and strategic market expansion in Europe. These achievements reflect the brand’s unwavering commitment to developing innovative, user-oriented solutions that address the evolving needs of mothers worldwide.

Award-Winning Products That Redefine Excellence

Momcozy’s innovative products have dominated the spotlight at the Mother&Baby Awards 2025, one of the most prestigious recognitions in the parenting industry.

At the Loved by Parents Awards 2024, Momcozy secured two Awards of Lovedbyparents Best Buy PLATINUM:

The Momcozy V1 Pro Hospital-Grade Wearable Breast Pump received the Silver Award at the BizzieBaby Awards 2024, further cementing Momcozy’s reputation for superior innovation and functionality.

Strategic Expansion in Europe

In December 2024, Momcozy officially debuted on MediaWorld, a leading Italian consumer electronics retailer and a subsidiary of the MediaMarkt Saturn Group, one of Europe’s largest electronics retail organizations. Momcozy products now comprise 80% of MediaWorld’s Baby Care section, with 24 out of 30 SKUs. This strategic expansion reflects Momcozy’s dedication to bringing its premium maternal and infant care solutions to families across Europe.

About Momcozy

Since 2018, Momcozy has been bringing the best in comfort to mothers with wearable breast pumps, nursing bras, and other mom care products, consistently holding the top position in relevant Amazon categories. Endorsed by over 4 million mothers in over 60 countries, Momcozy offers a range of comprehensive products on multiple platforms, such as Amazon, Babylist and Boots. With continuous innovation and a commitment to creating cozy designs born from love, Momcozy is growing in reach and impact to make moms' lives easier around the world.

Fonte: Business Wire

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