Options Delivers Industry-Leading MSP Deployment at Tadawul Saudi Exchange Facility

Options Technology (Options), the world’s leading managed service provider (MSP) in capital markets infrastructure and technology, today announced the successful deployment of its AtlasFabric and At...

Autore: Business Wire

LONDON & NEW YORK & HONG KONG & RIYADH, Saudi Arabia: Options Technology (Options), the world’s leading managed service provider (MSP) in capital markets infrastructure and technology, today announced the successful deployment of its AtlasFabric and AtlasFeed offerings for market data and trading infrastructure services at the Saudi Exchange's Tadawul Data Center in Riyadh, KSA, (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

This significant milestone marks a pivotal moment in Options’ continued global expansion, bringing advanced technology solutions to clients into the MENA region whilst also providing seamless access for clients from other regions to enter this market via low latency infrastructure via the firm’s recently launched Atlas product suite.

Danny Moore, President and CEO at Options, commented, “We’re thrilled to announce the deployment of AtlasFabric and AtlasFeed at the Saudi Exchange. Unprecedented client demand in the region highlighted the need for a low-latency solution to access this critical market. This deployment not only delivers on that demand but also lays the foundation for an exciting roadmap of new feed deployments in 2025. It’s a significant milestone in our global expansion and a testament to our commitment to delivering cutting-edge infrastructure where our clients need it most."

Discover the power of real-time insights and unparallelled transparency with the AtlasVision monitor here.

Today’s news comes as the latest in a series of major milestones at Options, including the launch of the industry’s first low latency Bergamo tickerplant, the acquisition of Packets2Disk and significant investment from Vitruvian Partners .

Options Technology:

Options Technology (Options) is a financial technology company at the forefront of banking and trading infrastructure. We serve clients globally with offices in New York, London, Belfast, Cambridge, Chicago, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Paris, and Auckland. At Options, our services are woven into the hottest trends in global technology, including high-performance Networking, Cloud, Security, and AI (Artificial Intelligence).


Fonte: Business Wire

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