FS Offers PicOS® Data Center Switches with Unified Platform for Automated Configuration and Management

#AI--FS, a trusted provider of ICT products and solutions, offers a range of PicOS® Data Center Switches from 10G to 800G. Powered by Broadcom chips, these switches provide robust and scalable networ...

Autore: Business Wire

NEW CASTLE, Del.: #AI--FS, a trusted provider of ICT products and solutions, offers a range of PicOS® Data Center Switches from 10G to 800G. Powered by Broadcom chips, these switches provide robust and scalable networking solutions for scenarios ranging from small data centers to large-scale AI computing environments.

According to Mordor Intelligence, the data center switch market is projected to grow from USD 17.03 billion in 2024 to USD 22.02 billion by 2029, highlighting the rising demand for high-performance and easily manageable network devices.

FS PicOS® data center switches feature durable hardware, unified PicOS® software, and AmpCon™-DC management platform, making them an ideal choice to meet market demands. These switches enable automated configuration and management, enhancing data center efficiency and system reliability.

Duke Huang, the product R&D manager of FS stated, "FS is committed to offering comprehensive data center networking solutions, providing switch interfaces ranging from 10G to 800G, covering leaf to spine layer. From PicOS® switches to AmpCon™-DC management platform, FS ensures stability and reliability by verifying and cooperating across components, delivering visibility, automation, and efficient deployment for your data center networks."

Key Features of PicOS® Data Center Switches:

FS PicOS® Data Center Switch Portfolio

FS PicOS® data center switches offer networks with high flexibility, reliability, and scalability, which is ideal for data centers, service providers, and cloud operators.

FS PicOS® Data
Center Switches


Switch Chip

Switching Capacity

10/25G PicOS® Switches


48 x 10Gb RJ-45, 6 x 100Gb QSFP28

Trident 3

1.08 Tbps

48 x 10Gb SFP+, 6 x 40Gb QSFP+

Trident 2+


1.44 Tbps

48 x 25Gb SFP28, 2 x 10Gb SFP+, 8 x 100Gb QSFP28

Trident 3


4 Tbps

100G PicOS® Switches


32 x 100Gb QSFP28, 2 x 10Gb SFP+

Trident 3

6.4 Tbps

32 x 100Gb QSFP28

Trident 3

6.4 Tbps

64 x 100Gb QSFP28

Tomahawk 2


200G PicOS® Switches

24 x 200Gb QSFP56, 8 x 400Gb QSFP-DD

Trident 4

16 Tbps

400/800G PicOS® Switches


32 x 400Gb QSFP-DD

Tomahawk 3

25.6 Tbps

64 x 400Gb QSFP-DD

Tomahawk 4

51.2 Tbps

64 x 800Gb OSFP

Tomahawk 5

102.4 Tbps

For more information about PicOS® Data Center Switches, please contact US@fs.com or visit FS.com.

About FS

FS Inc. (www.fs.com) is a trusted provider of ICT products and solutions to enterprise customers worldwide. Established in 2009, the company focuses on HPC, Data Center, Enterprise, Telecom, providing tailored product development and solution design based on professional customer needs. Leveraging dedicated R&D and testing teams, comprehensive technical service experts, a robust supply chain system, globalized warehousing centers, and convenient shopping platform, FS delivers a wide range of highly efficient customer-centric ICT products, solutions and services to global vertical industry and enterprise customers across ISP, telecom, retail, education, etc.

Fonte: Business Wire

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