Ziff Davis Completes One Acquisition in Q4 2024

Ziff Davis, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZD), announced today that it completed one acquisition in the fourth quarter of 2024. The acquisition listed below grows Ziff Davis’ global customer base, provides access t...

Autore: Business Wire

NEW YORK: Ziff Davis, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZD), announced today that it completed one acquisition in the fourth quarter of 2024.

The acquisition listed below grows Ziff Davis’ global customer base, provides access to new markets and expands the company’s product lineup.

FullContact (asset)

Cybersecurity and Martech (USA)

Terms of the individual acquisition were not disclosed, and the financial impact to Ziff Davis is not expected to be material with respect to the acquisition.

About Ziff Davis

Ziff Davis (NASDAQ: ZD) is a vertically focused digital media and internet company whose portfolio includes leading brands in technology, shopping, gaming and entertainment, connectivity, health and wellness, cybersecurity, and martech. For more information, visit www.ziffdavis.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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