KOZEStays.com: Short-Term Rental Industry Titan Rising to Global Leadership, Setting Unprecedented Standards in 2025

KOZEStays.com, a global powerhouse in short-term rental management, is starting the year with a milestone achievement—cementing its position as Montreal’s leading short-term rental management comp...

Autore: Business Wire

MONTREAL: KOZEStays.com, a global powerhouse in short-term rental management, is starting the year with a milestone achievement—cementing its position as Montreal’s leading short-term rental management company. With a portfolio spanning hundreds of ultra-luxurious properties and thousands of reservations per quarter, KOZE generates over $10,000,000 in bookings every quarter for their clients. From humble beginnings with a single investment property, KOZEStays.com has become a dominant force in the global market.

Global Reach, Local Expertise

Managing properties in premier destinations worldwide—including Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Mont-Tremblant, Laurentians, Lanaudière, Dubai, Mexico, Ecuador, and many more—KOZEStays.com provides unmatched services to property owners and travelers alike. With a proven track record of success, KOZEStays.com delivers comprehensive solutions designed to maximize revenue and optimize property management.

Exclusive Benefits for Property Owners:

Adding to its unique edge, KOZEStays.com leverages the services of North America’s largest cleaning company—operating in over 1,000 cities with a network of 150,000 cleaners—to maintain impeccable property standards, documenting each clean before and after with pictures and videos for their clients to see.

A Vision Turned Reality

From its humble beginnings, KOZEStays.com has evolved into a global powerhouse, redefining short-term rental management. Its unwavering commitment to transparency and superior returns continues to set industry benchmarks, making KOZEStays.com the trusted partner for property owners worldwide.

Experience the KOZE Difference

Discover how KOZEStays.com can maximize your property’s potential. Contact us today for a free revenue projection and experience the KOZE benefits firsthand. Visit www.KOZEStays.com to learn more.

Property owners in regions not currently listed are encouraged to contact us here: KOZEStays.com/ContactUs to explore how KOZEStays.com can bring our industry-leading services to their area, with exclusive preferred rates available for early adopters.

Fonte: Business Wire

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