Synology Launches ActiveProtect: Simplifying Enterprise Data Protection with Unmatched Security, and Scalability

Today, Synology has announced the release of ActiveProtect, a new line of data protection appliances designed to provide enterprises a unified backup solution with unprecedented simplicity, security a...

Autore: Business Wire

BELLEVUE, Wash.: Today, Synology has announced the release of ActiveProtect, a new line of data protection appliances designed to provide enterprises a unified backup solution with unprecedented simplicity, security and scalability. ActiveProtect integrates backup software, servers, and backup repositories into a seamless, unified platform. This streamlined solution enables businesses to secure their data with ease while minimizing the complexities and costs typically associated with enterprise backup systems.

“Data protection should not be an obstacle to business success. It should help enable success,” said Jia-Yu Liu, Executive Vice President at Synology. “ActiveProtect is the culmination of two decades of experience in hardware and software engineering, shaped by our ongoing collaboration with businesses worldwide and more than half of Fortune 500 companies. With ActiveProtect, we’re setting a new standard for what businesses can expect from their data protection solutions.”

Key Features of ActiveProtect:

ActiveProtect is available globally through Synology’s extensive distributor and partner network. For more information, please visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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