Equilar Celebrates 25 Years of Partnership, Innovation and Growth

Equilar, the market leader in executive intelligence, proudly marks its 25th anniversary in 2025. Over the past two and a half decades, Equilar has evolved into a trusted partner for organizations see...

Autore: Business Wire

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.: Equilar, the market leader in executive intelligence, proudly marks its 25th anniversary in 2025. Over the past two and a half decades, Equilar has evolved into a trusted partner for organizations seeking smarter, data-driven solutions to navigate today’s dynamic business landscape.

A Legacy of Innovation

Founded in 2000 by David Chun, Equilar has been at the forefront of providing critical tools and insights to executives, boards and organizations worldwide. Innovation has been the cornerstone of Equilar’s journey, and the Company continues to deliver cutting-edge solutions to meet the evolving needs of its clients.

Recent product advancements include:

Looking Ahead to New Horizons

Equilar’s 25th anniversary is not just a celebration of its legacy but a stepping stone into the future. As the leader in executive intelligence, Equilar is expanding its offerings into new use cases and markets. The Company remains committed to helping clients unlock critical insights, foster meaningful connections and drive success across industries.

“Reaching 25 years is a tremendous milestone, and it’s only been possible thanks to the trust and partnership of our clients,” said David Chun, Founder & CEO of Equilar. “While we honor our history, we’re energized by what lies ahead. Our mission remains clear: to continue delivering innovative solutions that empower organizations to thrive.”

As Equilar celebrates 25 years, industry veterans reflect on the Company's lasting impact on their own professional journeys.

“As one of Equilar’s first advisory board members, I’ve seen firsthand how the Company has supported CHROs, like myself, and HR leaders with data-driven insights, innovative tools and creative solutions to challenges,” said Harriet Harty, former Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer at ADT and Board Member. “For 25 years, Equilar has been a trusted partner, helping navigate critical executive compensation and governance issues that myself and my team have benefited. Congratulations Equilar on your 25th anniversary!”

Suzan Morno-Wade, former Chief Human Resources Officer at Xerox and Board Member at Latham Group, also shares her experiences. “Equilar has been a trusted resource throughout my human resources career,” said Morno-Wade. “The Company’s data, insights and solutions have enabled me to make informed decisions to shape effective human capital strategies. Today’s HR leaders don’t have the luxury of seeking intelligence in different places. Equilar fills an important gap. Congratulations to David Chun and team on 25 years of excellence.”

About Equilar

Equilar is the leading provider of executive intelligence solutions. The Company's expertise in relationship intelligence drives state-of-the-art business development and CRM applications, board and executive recruitment, and compensation and governance strategies. Equilar integrates its extensive database of executive profiles with natural language processing and machine learning AI to enable real-time relationship analytics and targeted outreach for its global clients. Equilar's commitment to excellence has made it the go-to solution for over 1,000 companies, including 75% of the Fortune 500, top PE/VC firms and leading professional services entities. Learn more at www.equilar.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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