Report Finds 68% of Organizations Fail to Remediate Critical Vulnerabilities on Time

According to a newly released report from Swimlane, a concerning 68% of organizations say remediating a critical vulnerability takes more than 24 hours. The report, “Under Pressure: Is Vulnerability...

Autore: Business Wire

Swimlane study reveals fragmented data, siloed processes expose organizations to greater risk

DENVER: According to a newly released report from Swimlane, a concerning 68% of organizations say remediating a critical vulnerability takes more than 24 hours. The report, “Under Pressure: Is Vulnerability Management Keeping Up?" reveals that fragmented data from multiple scanners, siloed risk scoring and poor cross-team collaboration are leaving organizations increasingly exposed to breaches, compliance failures and costly penalties.

The relentless surge of vulnerabilities is pushing security teams to their limits, forcing them to manage overwhelming volumes of risk with tools and processes that are no longer adequate. To better understand this landscape, Swimlane surveyed 500 cybersecurity decision-makers in the United States and the United Kingdom to uncover how vulnerability management teams are coping with these challenges.

“The growing complexity of vulnerability management is pushing organizations to rethink how they approach organization-wide security, risk and compliance strategies,” said Michael Lyborg, CISO at Swimlane. “It’s no longer just about patching vulnerabilities — it’s about prioritizing the ones that matter most to your operations. With businesses losing an estimated $47,580 per employee each year due to manual tasks, organizations can no longer afford to operate in the reactive mode of the past.”

Key Takeaways

“Smarter prioritization and automation are no longer optional — they are essential to reducing vulnerabilities, preventing breaches and ensuring continuous compliance,” said Cody Cornell, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Swimlane. “By blending intelligent automation with human expertise, vulnerability management teams gain the clarity they need to act decisively. Centralizing data and responding in real-time isn’t a luxury — it’s a business imperative that minimizes risk and frees up time to focus on the next challenge.”

Key Resources


The survey was conducted among 500 cybersecurity decision-makers at enterprise companies with at least 1,000 employees in the United States and United Kingdom. The interviews were conducted online by Sapio Research and under the guidance of Swimlane, Inc. in November and December 2024 using an email invitation and an online survey.

About Swimlane

At Swimlane, we believe the convergence of agentic AI and automation can solve the most challenging security, compliance and IT/OT operations problems. With Swimlane, enterprises and MSSPs benefit from the world's first and only hyperautomation platform for every security function. Only Swimlane gives you the scale and flexibility to build your own hyperautomation applications to unify security teams, tools and telemetry ensuring today’s SecOps are always a step ahead of tomorrow's threats.

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Fonte: Business Wire

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