ROYC Appoints Advisory Board to Drive Strategic Growth and Innovation

ROYC, a European leader in Platform-as-a-Service for alternative investments, is pleased to announce the formation of a highly experienced Advisory Board with the purpose to assist and advise the Boar...

Autore: Business Wire

STOCKHOLM: ROYC, a European leader in Platform-as-a-Service for alternative investments, is pleased to announce the formation of a highly experienced Advisory Board with the purpose to assist and advise the Board and company management in key strategic areas such as market expansion and platform development.

This reflects ROYC’s commitment to accelerate growth and solidifying its position as a market leader in private markets enterprise solutions for General Partners, Banks, Wealth managers and Multi-Family Offices.

ROYC proudly introduces its new Advisory Board members:

“We are excited to welcome Stefan, Koen and Erik to the ROYC team,” said Mathias Leijon, Founder and Executive Chairman of ROYC. “Their combined deep expertise in scaling tech companies and sales organizations combined with their passion for tech centric private market solutions make them the perfect fit to support and advise the ROYC Board and management as we now enter this next phase of significant growth.”

The creation of the Advisory Board marks the next phase in ROYC’s commitment in accelerating its growth trajectory and solidifying its position as a leader in enterprise solutions for private market investments.

About ROYC

Founded in early 2022, ROYC is a private markets investment platform designed for the complex European market specialising in streamlining and optimizing private equity fund lifecycle management. ROYC’s enterprise solutions cater to private equity General Partners, Banks, Wealth Managers, and Multi-Family Offices, enabling efficient management and distribution of private market investments.

Fonte: Business Wire

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