Smartsheet Pulse of Marketing Report Shows Marketing Teams Rethinking How to Demonstrate Business Impact

Today, Smartsheet, the AI-enhanced enterprise-grade work management platform, announced the release of its 2025 Pulse of Marketing Report. This comprehensive study aggregates insights from more than 1...

Autore: Business Wire

Pressure increasing for marketing and creative professionals to show ROI; tools like AI and project management platforms increase agility and help demonstrate value

BELLEVUE, Wash.: Today, Smartsheet, the AI-enhanced enterprise-grade work management platform, announced the release of its 2025 Pulse of Marketing Report. This comprehensive study aggregates insights from more than 1,200 marketing and creative professionals across the United States, and crystalizes the increasing need for marketing teams to show measurable business impact and the critical role of technology in showcasing value.

"Today’s marketing and creative teams often struggle to provide tangible evidence of their strategic value and business impact,” said John Newall, SVP, Marketing, Smartsheet. “The Pulse of Marketing Report underscores the importance of leveraging the right tools and technologies, such as AI and collaborative work management platforms, to help marketing and creative teams stay aligned regardless of project complexity or workforce distribution. It also emphasizes how critical it is to use these same technologies to provide a richer, more accurate view of these teams’ influence on business outcomes and profitability.”

Key insights from the report include:

1. Marketers and creatives are under pressure to demonstrate business impact

2. Marketers struggle to demonstrate their personal business impact

3. Marketing teams want access to better tools

“As a career marketer, I can attest to the increasing pressure to show ROI,” said Courtney Finger, Principal, Product Marketing Operations, Conga. “Work management tools like Smartsheet have empowered us to create visibility into the critical results our marketing team drives. The platform has been a game-changer, streamlining our project management processes and enhancing collaboration. By leveraging these tools, we can clearly demonstrate ROI through real-time data and analytics, ensuring every decision is backed by solid evidence and measurable outcomes."

Harnessing Hurdles

The research uncovered several strategies that could help marketers and creatives show their value, including:

To learn more about this research and connect with other marketing and creative professionals, Smartsheet will sponsor a webinar with AdWeek on Tuesday, January 28 at 1 p.m. ET. To attend, register here.

To read the Smartsheet 2025 Pulse of Marketing Report, click here.

About Smartsheet

Smartsheet is the modern enterprise work management platform trusted by millions of people at companies across the globe, including over 85% of the 2024 Fortune 500 companies. The category pioneer and market leader, Smartsheet delivers powerful solutions fueling performance and driving the next wave of innovation. Visit to learn more.

Report Methodology

Marketing and creative professionals were invited to participate in an online survey. A total of 1,242 qualified individuals with job responsibilities for marketing, creative or creative operations at companies with more than 200 employees in the United States completed the survey. Participants included a mix of ages, job levels, job functions, company sizes and industries. The survey was fielded in September 2024.

Fonte: Business Wire

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