Quill Helps Fund 842 School Projects in 2024 Through Longstanding Partnership with DonorsChoose

Quill, a leading office supplies and services e-commerce platform dedicated to rewarding organizations large and small, gave $200,000 in donation matches to 720 schools across the U.S. in 2024. 842 Do...

Autore: Business Wire

LINCOLNSHIRE, Ill.: Quill, a leading office supplies and services e-commerce platform dedicated to rewarding organizations large and small, gave $200,000 in donation matches to 720 schools across the U.S. in 2024.

842 DonorsChoose projects requesting Quill items were fully funded through Quill’s donation matches, positively impacting 785 teachers. 82% of the projects were in schools where 50% or more of the students came from low-income households.

“Quill is grateful to support such a mission-driven organization,” said Brian Leonard, Vice President of Sales at Quill. “The dedication of the DonorsChoose team and its donors is truly making an impact in our communities.”

DonorsChoose is the most trusted crowdfunding platform for teachers, donors, and district administrators alike, vetting each request and shipping funded resources directly to the classroom.

Teachers can send thank-you letters to partners who help fund their projects.

Mrs. Anderson, a 3rd – 5th grade teacher in Kenosha, WI, wrote in her letter, “We are so thrilled to be receiving our new folders from Quill! Times are tough and many times our parents have many children, and they just do not have the means to get all the little extra things that are needed. And now, with your help that is not an issue for my students.”

America Morales, Corporate and Foundation Giving Manager at DonorsChoose, expressed what it means to have a partner like Quill.

“DonorsChoose is so grateful for Quill’s partnership,” Morales said. “Through our partnership, Quill has empowered hundreds of educators across the country to get the resources that will enrich their students’ education.”

You can see all the DonorsChoose projects Quill helped fund in Fall 2024 at this link.

Quill, a leading office supplies and services e-commerce platform, helps businesses win and rewards every order. Headquartered in Lincolnshire, IL, Quill delivers the supplies businesses need to succeed, including paper, ink & toner, cleaning and breakroom supplies, furniture, technology, and custom print. With Quill, customers can earn rewards instantly, receive award-winning customer service, and take advantage of business tools and solutions such as Net 30 terms. For more information, please visit https://www.quill.com/content/index/why-quill/, or follow @quill on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and @quillcom on X.

Fonte: Business Wire

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