Atlantica Digital opens in Abu Dhabi

The new UAE office is another step in Atlantica Digital's international growth

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Atlantica Digital opens in Abu Dhabi

"The development of new foreign markets is a fundamental piece of Atlantica Digital's growth strategy": the words of Atlantica's CEO, Pierre Levy, underline the importance of the debut of Atlantica UAE, a new company based in Abu Dhabi which represents a further step in the process of international expansion of Atlantica Digital. The branch will be led by Atlantica's Foreign Director, Paolo Sabbadini.

Atlantica UAE will mainly deal with two areas of development. First, it will offer Smart Metering solutions for energy, gas and water utilities. A product line at the core of Atlantica's offering in the Smart City sector. At the same time, the new company will offer managed cyber security services, through an innovative Security Operation Center that will be built locally, by 2022.

Active in Italy with offices in Rome and Milan, Atlantica Digital has a staff of 200 employees and an industrial plan currently focused on specific fast growth areas: Digital Transformation, cloud, cyber security and smart metering (this, with a specific focus on the rapidly evolving water sector).

To support its cyber security business, Atlantica Digital in 2020 founded a specific branch: Atlantica Cybersecurity. Its mission is assisting customers in choosing, developing and managing the most technologically advanced solutions to protect businesses against cyber attacks.

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