New Email Security Solutions from InsurSec Leader At-Bay Help Eliminate Financial Fraud Claims

At-Bay, the InsurSec provider for the digital age, today announced the launch of two new InsurSec solutions that unlock significantly higher Financial Fraud coverage sub-limits1 for businesses with re...

Autore: Business Wire

At-Bay’s proprietary Fraud Defense solution, available with every Cyber and Tech E&O policy, stops email-based fraud and can unlock up to double the financial fraud coverage sub-limits; with At-Bay MDR for Email, businesses can boost their financial fraud sub-limits up to $1 million

Key News Highlights

SAN FRANCISCO: At-Bay, the InsurSec provider for the digital age, today announced the launch of two new InsurSec solutions that unlock significantly higher Financial Fraud coverage sub-limits1 for businesses with revenue up to $5B. At-Bay Stance Fraud Defense, a new proprietary email security solution, is uniquely designed to identify and stop email-based fraud attacks, which most of today's email security solutions do not detect. Available with every Cyber and Tech E&O policy placed by At-Bay, eligible businesses who adopt the solution can unlock up to $500K in financial fraud sub-limits. At-Bay Stance Managed Detection and Response (MDR) for Email goes even further, offering an advanced email security solution that combines Stance Fraud Defense with an AI-powered cloud security solution that is fully managed and monitored 24/7 by At-Bay’s managed security team. Customers with policies placed by At-Bay who adopt Stance MDR for Email could increase their financial fraud coverage sub-limits up to $1M.

“This is a major innovation in cyber insurance,” said Ken Riegler, President of At-Bay Insurance. “Financial fraud continues to be the biggest driver of losses among mid-market and small businesses, and 9 of 10 of these incidents happen via email2. In the most severe cases, over $5M in funds have been stolen. Recognizing that current industry sub-limits are leaving businesses without crucial protection, we developed two new InsurSec solutions that help to combat financial fraud and unlock better coverage.”

Key Product Highlights

At-Bay Stance Fraud Defense

At-Bay Stance MDR for Email

To learn more about At-Bay’s two new InsurSec solutions, follow the links below:

To learn about how significant of a threat financial fraud is to businesses, read:

About At-Bay

At-Bay is the InsurSec provider for the digital age. By combining world-class technology with industry-leading insurance, At-Bay was designed from the ground up to empower businesses of every size to meet cyber risk head-on. At-Bay Insurance Services, LLC provides insurance protection and security prevention solutions to close to 40,000 businesses in the US, safeguarding up to $800B in collective business revenue, and offers coverage by non-admitted insurers for Cyber, Technology Errors & Omissions (Tech E&O), and Miscellaneous Professional Liability (MPL). The At-Bay Group also includes an active full-stack insurance company and a cybersecurity company. At-Bay Security offers proprietary cybersecurity solutions including At-Bay Stance Managed Detection & Response (MDR).

1Eligibility, rules, and limitations will vary.
2At-Bay 2024 InsurSec Rankings Report - Email Security & Financial Fraud
3At-Bay internal claims data, evaluating first-party security risks
4Based on At-Bay Cyber Claims data experience as of Q3 2024

Fonte: Business Wire

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