Italian Filtrec to set up North American Headquarter

The new assembly plant in Muncie, Indiana will create up to 21 jobs by the end of the year.

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Italian Filtrec to set up North American Headquarter

Filtrec, an Italy-based (Telgate, BG) industrial filter manufacturer is expanding its presence abroad setting up a new assembly plant in Muncie, Indiana. Filtrec says it will invest more than $1 million to establish its new North American headquarters and an assembly plant, and create up to 21 jobs by the end of the year.

Mauro Milani, U.S. director of operations for Filtrec, says the company will move its inventory of thousands of filters into the new location by June 2022. The company previously housed its inventory in a storage building in Daleville, Alabama.

Filtrec says once the inventory is moved, it will begin installing assembly equipment to make a variety of filter products, followed by the buildout of the company’s headquarters offices.

“As soon as we complete relocation, we’ll stock 2,000 more filters - Milani said in written remarks - We’ll be up and running in the new building at the end of this month”.

Milani cited the county’s business climate and proximity to Filtrec’s customer base as reasons for the expansion. “Delaware County has showed us so much interest and support - Milani said - Delaware County did so great for us. The county and the county’s economic development team are always first in line helping us”.

Filtrec produces more than 1,000 types of industrial and hydraulic filters used for a variety of uses, including manufacturing, excavating, cranes, mining, and agriculture. Teh company is in 85 countries in the world, it has 756 direct customers and 35 branch offices & distributors.

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