RTB House Introduces Generative AI Technology for More Precise Audience Insights

In a significant development, RTB House, a leader in digital marketing, has announced the introduction of ContentGPT. This innovative technology component is set to revolutionize the way marketers und...

Autore: Business Wire

ContentGPT will better understand open internet user interest and intent to optimise results and deliver more accurate targeting for clients

NEW YORK: In a significant development, RTB House, a leader in digital marketing, has announced the introduction of ContentGPT. This innovative technology component is set to revolutionize the way marketers understand and engage with online audiences. By leveraging the capabilities of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) and Large Language Models (LLMs), ContentGPT provides unparalleled insights into the specific interests and intents of webpage readers across the Open Internet.

A Leap Forward in Digital Marketing

Making more extensive use of publishers’ first-party data is supposed to be the main element allowing marketers to run Open Internet campaigns as effectively as before, in the cookieless era. Understanding the exact interests and intents of webpage readers is crucial to achieving it. The introduction of deep learning algorithms like GPT and LLMs has already disrupted various digital applications, including chatbots, by facilitating a more sophisticated understanding of text. Now, RTB House is taking this technology further by applying it to marketing, offering a degree of precision in content understanding that surpasses currently available general context-based targeting and audience classification mechanisms.

The Challenge of Scale

While there is no doubt that applying GPT/LLM models can significantly enhance the quality of content understanding, the real challenge lies in managing the sheer scale. The Open Internet is vast, comprising billions of articles. To process this immense volume of content efficiently using LLM models demands extensive computing power. This is where RTB House's expertise comes into play. As a pioneer and known for successfully adapting advanced deep learning algorithms for marketing purposes within the tough Real-Time-Bidding environment, RTB House has once again demonstrated its capability to harness state-of-the-art technology for practical marketing applications.

ContentGPT: Versatile and Powerful

This cutting-edge technology is poised to be a transformative tool within RTB House's product portfolio. In its flagship performance-oriented service, ContentGPT will enhance the optimization of client results. In the AdLook Smart buying platform, it will refine the accuracy of content targeting. Furthermore, in the PrimeAudience solution, ContentGPT will improve the quality of audience segmentation.

A Vision for the Future

"Integration of GPT/LLM models into our system tremendously improves the value we can deliver for our clients, especially in the upcoming cookieless future. This innovative approach to leveraging insights from first-party publisher data will help mitigate the impact of reduced cross-domain signal availability. With ContentGPT, we are bringing to market a best-in-class solution that redefines the standards in this field," states Robert Dyczkowski, Chief Executive Officer at RTB House.

Michael Lamb, Chief Commercial Officer at RTB House, adds: “Our vision is to become open internet marketing leaders and ContentGPT is an essential component to achieve it. Ultra-accurate understanding of content across the open web is crucial for programmatic advertising, so we’re proud to be at the forefront of ensuring that brands can capitalise on this data.”

About RTB House

RTB House is a global leader in state-of-the-art marketing solutions. Known for its innovation and expertise in deep learning and artificial intelligence, RTB House consistently pushes the boundaries of digital marketing, offering impactful and results-driven solutions to clients around the world.


Press contact:
Bluestripe Group

Fonte: Business Wire

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